Start from the beginning

~ 15 minutes later ~

Chase's outfit: *without the guitar*

Hermione:So you really go with them
Chase:*says coldly*yes
Hermione:You know I thought you are a good boy but now.
Chase:*smirks*I don't care.. see you ... mudblood*goes
Hermione:*starts to cry*What I ever saw in him?!

Harry: Its not your fault Mione

Ron: Yeah, he is just in love with someone else and remember nothing is what it seems

Harry: *smacks Ron behind the head* The love part was a secret you idiot

Hermione:*looks suprises*You mean in love ... with Diana?!

Ron: Yes! He said that he would do anything for her and would give his live for her.
Harry: He's over protective over her. Diana said that he is intelligent but also very stubborn and hotheaded

Hermione:*looks a little angry*It's all Diana's fault.Chase was normal before

Harry: He still is normal. He's just a little rebel now

Hermione:But I want old Chase

Ron: Hermione you have to get over him. The old Chase is still there. But he's in his bad boys, flirt mode right now

Hermione:I guess you are right

Harry: And even if he is the old Chase. His love for Diana will still be there. mean the old Chase was sneaking around after midnight every day just so he can meet up with her somewhere around the school

Hermione:What?But that means he breaks the rules

Ron: His brother Adam said that wasn't something new about him. Back at their home they live along side Diana in their House and there they get into a LOT more trouble then they do in here

Hermione:And that's everything because of her.

Harry: Not really. I've seen him act worse when Diana wasn't around also. She went shoping with Bree and in the mean while Vhase, Leo and Adam were fighting some enemy of theirs in the Potions class room when the room suddenly went on fire

Hermione:So all this time he was just acting ... he was always bad

Ron: He isn't bad. He is a rebel. And a Bionic Hero. He saves the world with Adam, Bree and Diana. They are a team of super heros that need to blow off the steam somehow. Bree plays karate, Adam is a bartender and makes cocktails, smoothies and exotic foods.

Hermione:Oh..But still..

Harry: Leo creates combat robots. Diana is a pop star and Chase is a rock and roll king, guitarist and surfer

Hermione:He never told me that

Ron: Tell you what?

Hermione:He never told me all these things .. I didn't know anything of that

Hermione:He never told me all these things .. I didn't know anything of that

Harry: We also didn't know. Diana just told us. Turns out when ever he is stressed out, frustrated, angry, sad or hurt he goes to her because she is the only one who knows him well enough to know how to help him out. And from what we saw last night we can actually tell you that this is no lie.

Hermione:What you two saw?

Ron: Well here is what we saw *starts to tell what happened*

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