Planing Presents

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Red is the New Black

Marshall lee x Prince Gumball

Gumball was walking around the candy castle. What to do, what to do.. Valentines day was closing up as well as Marshalls and their eight months of being together. Most of the time have gone pretty well.

But how much the prince thought about it he couldn't for all he's worth come up with a good Valentine's day gift for he's boyfriend.

What did the Vampire like? He grabbed a pen and a piece of paper to do a plus and minus list about it. After biting the pen in almost half an hour and another half of sights, different positions and brainstorming, he could finally present a "list".


Red stuff
Pink Candy Princes


Not red stuff
Most other people

But the list didn't help him that much. He quickly grabbed the piece of paper, fold in twice and put it in his back pocket as he got of the couch. He would as Fionna for help.

He walked to the door but just when he was suppose to open it it opened itself and Gumball jerked of surprise.

Who could it be if not Marshall walking inside the castle?
He looked surprised at the prince. "Have you been expecting me?" He said with a light grin.
"N-no, M-Marshall I need to get to Fionas place" He said slightly unsure.

Marshall softly pushed him inside the room again getting he's jacket of as he closed the door with he's feet. "But I better get goi-"

Marshall then tugged he's own shirt over he's head, leaving he's chest bare as he lean in, giving the prince a kiss on he's lips while letting one arm around he's hips, pulling him closer.

'I bet Fiona wouldn't die for waiting some minutes more' Gumball thought to himself while returning the kiss, giving in to the Vampire.

Red is the New BlackWhere stories live. Discover now