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Eridan woke up first and noticed the position he and Sollux were in (which hadn't changed since they fell asleep.) 

Sollux woke up a few minutes later and looked around. 'When the fuck did I fall athleep? And why the hell do I have hith cape wrapped around me?' Sollux thought to himself. He carefully stood up, unwrapping the cape from himself, and moved Eridan's head letting it rest where he had been sitting. He then covered Eridan with his cape and went to make something to eat. 

Eridan was awake the whole time, but he kept his breath shallow and his eyes closed so that Sollux wouldn't notice. He smiled, pulled his cape tight around himself and squeezed his eyes shut tighter, then sat up on the couch until he smelled food cooking. 

Sollux finished up cooking then quickly set the table and served the food, including an orange drink resembling orange juice in color and koolaid in taste. About the time Sollux was done setting everything, Eridan decided to go to the table. He half glared half kind of smiled at Sollux and sat down. "Thanks for makin somefin to eat..." 

"No problem." Sollux said, smiling a little. They sat and ate quietly, Eridan glancing up at Sollux occasionally. When they were done Sollux took the dishes to the meal block to clean later. 

"Wanna play that game again? It was kinda fun." Sollux asked Eridan. "Youre not to bad at it either. I wonder if you're good at... other thingth?" He grinned slyly but said the last part kind of under his breath. 

"Ww-wwhat?! I.. uh..." he blushed and started to get a bit flustered. "Let's just play the game, ok?" He practically yelled. Sollux laughed. "Alright, alright. I'll thet it up then." He went and set up the game for two players again.

They played for a few hours, winning and losing back and forth like the night before. After a while, Sollux turned to Eridan. He tapped Eridan's shoulder. "Hey, Eridan?" Eridan turned to face him.

"Yeah sol? Wwhat do you wwa-" he was cut off by Sollux's lips pressing against his own. He had leaned forward quickly and kissed Eridan before he could finish his sentence. 

Eridan's eyes went wide and he was blushing profusely. Before he could make sense of what happened, his eyes were closed, their tongues were intertwined, and their controllers were on the floor. 

Game Time at Sollux's (EriSol)Where stories live. Discover now