Chapter two:coma

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Ticci-Toby POV

I hold (y/n) close to me, as I sprint through the forest. She's cold, pale, and losing a lot of blood. I look down to see Crimson staining the front of my hoodie. Usually I would like it, but not when it comes to a girl that means as much to me as (y/n). Please dont die (y/n). It's all her father's fault! He's the one who slashed her stomach while being drunk. It's a good thing I murdered him. That's what he gets for being a drunk, abusive father.

I start to see the mansion come into my view, so I speed up. The slower I go, the faster (y/n) dies. I jump up to the door, and knock rapidly with my elbow.

"HURRY *tick* UP!!! P-PLEASE?!?"

The door flies open to an irritated E.J.

"Who is this human Toby?"

"I-its (y/n), the *tick* o-one I l-left in m-my old *crack l-life! T-the one I s-still care *tick* a-about , and l-love."

He steps to the side quickly.

"Hurry down to Dr. Smiley. I'll be there shortly. "

I nod and run through the door. As I make my way to Smiley's offce, I get stares from BEN, and Jeff.

"Hey, who's the girl? "

"S-shut *tick* up B-BEN!"

I keep on going. When I reach Smiley's office, I yell, "Smiley h-hurry *crack*, it's (y-(y/n), the o-one I l-left! S-shes hu-hurt amd she's d-dying *tick*!" By this point, im crying. I lean my head down to her chest to hear almost no heartbeat at all...

The door flies open to reveal an almost irritated, but worried Smiley.

"Bring her to a bed, quickly!!!"

I nod and waste no time carrying her to the first vacant bed I come to.

Smiley rushes in with a blood bag filled with blood, needles, thread, and other surgical equipment. E.J stands behind him. E.J hooks her up to a heart monitor, while Smiley gets to work with the stitches. He lifts up her shirt just above her stomach. It looks horrible... Red, and bruised from abuse.. He picks up a needle, and thread, and starts sewing.

I just sit there. I feel so useless, not doing anything to help. I was stunned that this was happening to my (y/n)..... I sit down, and place my head in my hands. Silent tears found there way rolling down my cheeks.

"Toby, look at me.." Smiley suddenly spoke up. "She is alive, but barely. From all the shock she's had, ne has fallen into a comatose state." I cringed. "She will most likely stay in this state for up to a week or longer, depending on her health. I happened to have her type of blood from one of my previous 'patients' , so she is gettimg more blood flow into her system."

I was partially relieved that she was going to live. But to ruin the relieving moment, Slenderman abruptly teleported into the room.

"Who is this girl Toby?" He seemed to say out loud. His face remains featurless.

"I-its (y/n)... *tick* Sh-she's the o-one who *crack* w-as always th-there for *tick* m-me in my o-old life. *crack* H-her father became ab-abusive a-after her m-mother *tick* died. So, *crack* th-his h-happened to h-her.. *tick*" I choked out.

"I see.. And I know you want her to stay here. But, in order to do so, she has to become a creepypasta killer. It does not have to be now, just whenever she is ready too."

"Th-thank *crack" you S-slender."

He nods his head and disappears. I stand up and clumsily walk over to (y/n)'s bed. I carefully wipe a strand of her (h/c) hair out of her beautiful face. She is a beauty, even with the scars and bruises on her face.

"We're going to leave you with her to have your moment with her..." E.J spoke up. He jerked Smiley out of the room.

After they leave, I pull up a chair to the side of her bed. Her chest rose and fell softly, accompanied by the breathing machine to help her breathe. Her breathing had a calming pattern. I slowly took hold of her (s/c) hand. With the other, I gently carresed her cheek. I stopped, and layed my head down on the side of her bed. Soon I fell asleep.

Authors note!!!

Thank you guys so much for choosing to read my story! I love to get feed back and comments! Just please, no negative ones!! This chapter goes out to the person who reminded me to write another chapter.... Anime4japan thank you!

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