Part 2

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I banged on their door like there wasn't a care on the world "Coming!" Chimed two voices from inside the house. The twins opened the door seconds later with mischievous grins "Why are you here, Petunia?" Lifty asked with his hands on his hips. I was too much in a panic to answer "Have you seen Flaky! She's not at the house, no one else has seen her, and the last time I saw her was two days ago!" I shrieked while holding Shifty's shoulders.

They look at me with a questioned look "You're worrying too much" They muse while beginning to shut the door. I put my hand on the door and force it back open "She said that she was staying home all week, no going out or anything! She always means it!" I explain, still panicked. They stop and look at me, more serious "You're sure?" I nod and one of them hold up a wallet, my wallet "K ten buck to help look" They take ten bucks and throws it back.

I smack them and start knocking on everyone else's doors again to help look "I sure hope she's alright" Giggles said in worry. 

This wasn't like her, she would have told someone if she was going somewhere, especially when she told me and Giggles she was staying home. I can only pray that she just fell asleep at the park! We split into groups of four, I was with Splendid and the twins looking in the park and near our old tree house.

The park was full of little kids playing games and wrestling each other "Can we take a quick break to pick pocket" The twins muse while looking at the parents. Me and Splendid smack then and say no "I'll run around looking for red with white spikes" he said with a grin "Hair clips! They're hair clips not spikes!" I correct.

I split away from the boys, I'd know Flaky anywhere and no matter what it takes I will find my sweet friend, even if it is nothing. Running everywhere, avoiding kids and bees I searched but no matter what I couldn't find that messy hair of hers. I check my phone to see any updates, everyone had turned up empty, we still had to search the tree house.

At the tree house, memories drifted into my head of all the fun we had. The house itself looked old and unused, just the way we left it years ago. I slowly opened the door inwards and heard it creek open, revealing an empty room with a Sorry! game in the middle "There are prints in the dust" Lifty observed "And the game pieces are scattered everywhere" Shifty finished.

My fears became so real now thanks to what the twins just said "I was right, She did disappear, someone took her" I pouted with my face in my palms. Splendid rubbed my back "Come on, maybe Flippy finally came back and he got a little ruff after playing the game" I shake my head no. Flippy has been gone for two years, he would have told us if he came back.

Now my poor Flaky is gone, gone, gone away...

I woke up dazed, my vision still blurry. I remember the game of Sorry! mixed with chess, I remember Flippy finally came back and that he forgot where we lives. The memory of flippy lashing out drifted into my head and I gasped as my vision went back to normal. I was staring at a knife very close to my face "And she wakes up. Careful, if you move you run the rusk of being cut" A voice purred behind me.

I was on a couch in a dimly lit room "Flippy, is that you?" I asked in a shaky voice, taking the voices advice and not moving. I heard an approving sound behind the couch "Flippy, this isn't funny you know my skin is sensitive" I say in a more clear voice.

Flippy made a hmm sound "I didn't know that, now i'm curious" This sin't Flippy, no way would he stick me on a couch and stick knifes all around me. The knife in front of my face was ripped out of the couch, followed by many others, I sit up and look around me. Flippy was sitting on the back of the couch, toying with a pocket knife.

This didn't make any seance, his eye are yellow, why aren't they green like I remember them, why am I so scared of such a sweet kid. Wait... Maybe he had this side of him all along, maybe what he mumbled to himself during the game was referring to another personality. Maybe that other personality was why he was sent to military school.

"You're his other half he mumbled about" I looked into his eyes as he turned his head to me "Your why such a sweet kid was sent to military school?" Maybe I went too far. he grabbed my throat in a threat "Don't compare me to those week boys. They where too easy to scare but you, you're even easier" His grip grew tighter.

I lightly gripped his wrist "I'm sorry" I repeated it three times before he let go, yeah that has to be it, he wanted to get control of his violent side so he went away to avoid hurting me or anyone else.

My hand was still light holding his wrist when he said "Time to see if you where lying" He swiftly cut my cheek, causing me to cover it with both hands. I had no doubt that the bleeding cut was already surrounded by a bright red color but for his reassurance, Flippy dropped his knife and yanked both hands away to look.

He started giggling slowly then the giggling turned into laughing "Your whole cheek is bright red" He grabbed both cheeks and looked at me with his face inches away. His yellow eyes where wide with an intrigued look "I remember you now, that poor boy called you Flaky right? But why was he slightly scared of you whenever you where annoyed?" His voice was curious like a  mad scientists.

I pull out a couple of hair clips from the back side of my hair and stab then in his right hand and arm. As he let's go to study my white hair clips sticking out of his skin, making him bleed, I scrambled off the couch and onto the floor, cutting my palm on a pocket knife. Now it my my turn to study my bleeding skin, watching my palm turn red from the deep cut.

Looking around now, there are dozens of pocket knives glowing in the dim lighting on the floor, in the couch and even in the walls. What had he done to this place? How are there so many knifes? Where the heck am I?

Two In One (Fliqpy x Flaky)Where stories live. Discover now