Chapter 3- Confession?

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Tom's POV
While we we're walking back to our house I slipped by Sonja to get to speak with her.
"He Sonj"
"Hey Tom" she said
"I have something to tell you and it may scare you."
"I have simething to tell you too." She mirrored.
"Well Sonja. Ever since I met you I kinda sorta-" just as I was about to tell her a guy came running out of his house yelling "come back you thieves and I'll give you a right rumble!" We ran over to see what happened and he told us that he had his apples stolen from some young kids.
"My name is Steve by the way. But most of my mates call me Farmer Steve. Nice to meet you......... who are you guys again?"
"I'm Tom. This is Sonja, Tucker, and Sparklybum.... Jordon."
"Well anyway. If you see those kids then you give em a Right Rumble mate. I gotta go see if I have any apples left." Steve then leaves.

"Well guys I have to go see Andor. Bye." Jordon says while blushing and then he runs away.
"I'm gonna go to the church. Bye." Says Tucker.
"Guess it's you and me Sonj." I said.
"As I was saying earlier. I sorta kinda have feelings for you......" I say while backing up a bit.
"You do? Cause I do too!" She says while jumping up and down.
"Yea. So does that mean you wanna go out with me?" I ask.
"No..... of freaking course dude!" She runs up and kisses me.
We both laugh and I carry her home.

???'s POV
"Great. Great. Everything is falling into plan..... now where is Dianite.... he was somewhere in Dagrun. In spirit for albeit. NADESHOT GO FIN HIM!"
"Yes Lord." Says Nadeshot.

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