Chapter 1

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Broken-Chapter 1

"Amelia...Mel wake up." Lexi says

"No."I said

"Come on and get your lazy ass up out of bed."she says

"I don't want to.Go away."I tell her

The floor creaks from under her feet as she leaves the room. I go back to sleep but wake up when cold water gets thrown on me. I jump out of my bed now wet and glare at the person responsible. She drops the bucket with a smirk and sprints out of the room.

"LEXI!!!" I yell as I run out of the room after her. She goes down the stairs with me hot on her trail. She was laughing like crazy as I chased her around the house trying to grab her. I hear the front door open and close but I’m to busy trying to get Lexi that I don’t bother to see who it is.I was so close to grabbing her shirt until someone wrapped their arms around my waist and grabbed me from behind.

"HEY LET ME GO,GOD DAMMIT SCOTT LET GO OF ME SO I CAN CLAW HER FACE!!!"I yell at my brother trying to get his hands off of me.

"Ouch,someones violent today."Lexi says walking into the room.

"Lexi what the hell did you do to her this time?"he asked her.

"She wouldn't get up out of bed so I poured a bucket of water on her."she tells him.Scott rolled his eyes and let me go.

"Typical Lexi."he mutters

"You couldn't just let me sleep?"I ask

"Nope."she said

"Why not?"Scott asked

"Because I'm bored, and I want someone to come with me to the mall."

"You cant be serious."me and Scott said at the same time.

"What?"she asked looking at the both of us.

"I think I'm going to go upstairs to the guest room and unpack."Scott says giving me a quick hug.He goes over to the front door picks up his lugged.I catch Lexi looking at his behind as he walks up the stairs.I walk over and slap her arm.

"Hey."she says touching her arm.

"That's my brothers butt  your looking at."I tell her.

She shrugged walking over to the living room and plops down on the couch."Go get dressed and hurry up."She says turning on the tv. Spongebob Squarepants comes on.

"Are you ready kids?Aye Aye captain."she says the same time as the voice from the tv.I roll my eyes at her and she sticks her tongue at me.I shake my head walking up the stairs to my room and close my door as I start to get dressed.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I know its short I just really wanted to update the first chapter.

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