Blind Date.

888 21 12


So it's a Saturday at 3:00 O'clock in the afternnon. Yes, I only just got up. I go to my computer to see

whats happening and check out my Myyearbook page. I browse around for a while until I have nothing

left to do and look towards that stupid blind date tab. I'd never used it before but my friends have, they

all say it's really good. I decide it's worth a look, after all I have nothing else to do. I click the tab and

peoples profile pictures imediately start popping up. I sort through the between 15 and 17 year old

guys until I find four pictures that I aprove of. the firt guy was one with a scene sort of look. he had

brown eyes and spikey black hair. Another guy who looked really kind as if you could have a really

nice talk to him. Then there was a guy with really awsome sunnies he looked pretty cool, finally the

last was one I found of a guy planking on a sofa (I laughed when I saw this.) 

Once I was finnished I pressed blind  date underneath. I had to anwer all these relationship questions

and if they didn't match the guys answers we wouldn't be a match, I was really curios so I kept

going. In the end I got 1 out of 4 matches. It was the guy with the really awsome sunnies I matched

with. I checked out his profile and found out that he loved music and writing my two favourite things....

so I guess it started with:



Hey I'm new on here so please comment vote and fan :) xx

<3 from XxRacingheartxX

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