Chapter 21 - Unexpected News

Start from the beginning

"...managed to slip off during transfer." I hear Nurse Two tell someone hopefully me, and not Mr. Loud pretending to be me. "I'm so happy you are looking better!" Nurse Two continues in a happy bubbly tone. "We were worried for a while, and this young man here, refused to leave your side. You are a very lucky young lady!"

"I am," I hear myself quietly whisper and it creates the oddest double sensation in me because I didn't say it and yet it's my voice saying it. I look up from my sudden and extreme fascination to see in-bed me smiling nicely at the nurse clutching tightly to Jeff's hand.

"Jeff!" I cry out happily as I step around the nurse and to his side to hug him. Before I can reach him though I am frozen again. "Let me go!" I cry out angrily. I want to hug him you evil spooks! "Let. Me. Go!" Whatever force that is holding me pushes me away from Jeff and back against a wall. I struggle and it lets me go. I stick my tongue out at it and start back toward Jeff. I am extremely frustrated because while I can move but around I am suddenly stopped if I take more than a step away from the wall. I hit and kick at the invisible barrier in frustration. Stupid invisible barriers anyway!

"Watch, listen, learn." Ms. Manners scolds reprovingly.

Seeing Jeff and In-Bed Me okay has boosted my morale and there is no way she was getting away with that comment unscathed. "Watch this." I say as I eloquently give her my best one finger salute. "Listen to my first line of my newest ditty," I snark before singing, "Prude and Ass went walking one day." I stop after the first line wanting them to appreciate the artistic brilliance. However I wasn't done she had said to do three things, I showed them what to watch, and then let them listen to my brilliance, so now it's time for.

"Learn how to quietly pass gas so you can blame it on Ms. Manners, Walter!" I finish triumphantly. Funny how just being able to see Jeff smiling and laughing has put me back to my normal snarkastic self. I missed me I think as I give myself a hug.

I watch as In-Bed me, Jeff, Jason, Annie, and Mike all quietly talk of inconsequential things. After a while Annie kisses In-Bed me goodbye and rounds up Jason and Mike shooing them out of the room. Jeff and In-Bed me just sit there quietly. Jeff still is holding In'Bed me's hand like he is never going to let go of it. In-Bed me looks tired and is starting to fall asleep.

When Jeff notices this he freaks out and yells "Wake Up Becca! Do NOT go to sleep!" He picks up the remote thingy and hits the call nurse button frantically. When a Nurse using the intercom to ask what is the matter. Jeff frantically yells "She's trying to sleep!"

Part of me shares Jeff's worries about In-Bed Me falling asleep and going back into a coma but the other part of me is amused watching the sleepy indignation on In-Bed Me's face as I start to drift off and he shakes me awake. Jeff, I think we glee, In-Bed Me loves you as much as I do but if you shake In-Bed Me one more time you are liable to lose that hand.

Thankfully before In-Bed Me drifts off again and Jeff loses his dominant hand. Dr. Stud breezes in all smiles and cheerfulness. Gosh he's hot I think and then notice that In-Bed Me has discretely checked him out too. A discrete glance of appreciation is okay, a blatant glance is just plain rude. Occasionally I will find myself in a situation where I've caught a strange guy ogling my assets and a quick glance will make me feel sexy but if the creep continues to stare my snark will come out and I am liable to tell him they won't talk to him like my favorite story book hero Zoe did. If that doesn't embarrass them into looking away I am liable to accidentally bump into their crotch with my knee and apologize profusely for my accident and then nail them in the face with my bag as I turn to find help. Oops bad me.

Dr. Stud doesn't notice In-Bed Me's glance as he is checking my various monitors and reassuring my frantic boyfriend that me sleeping is a good thing. Listening to him use words like trauma and stress, healing and healthy I discover that most coma patients feel very sleepy upon waking and want to go back to bed. Huh, I think bemusedly, who would have thought that sleeping without being able to wake up would make you sleepy.

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