A smile?

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I walked around my manner. Specifically around all the artwork we have. Shortly after I heard footsteps behind me. Hyousuke... I turned in his direction he was looking at me with a curved line on his face. Is he...happy? "What are you doing?" I asked. "I thought I might as well walk around the manner more, since this place is so big I get lost a lot." I continued to stare. "No I mean what's with your face...I've never seen that expression before." I said pointing at his face. "What? A smile? You don't know what a smile is?!" I shook my head. "I guess not..." He made a bigger umm...smile? is what he called it. "It's easy! You just curve your lips a little. Try it!"

I gave him a clueless stare. Curve...my lips? Why would I ever wanna do that? "Why would I wanna smile? What does that even represent?" "It shows that your happy." Happy? Why would he be happy? I turned my head toward the wall. "You just saw a man murrdered. How could you be happy?"
"I don't know I just am." He replied
I looked down at the clean white tile.
"Emotions are stupid, it makes you weak..."
"Huh? How could being happy make you weak?" I sighed "never mind" then I walked away.

Why would anyone want to be happy, its probally the most dumbest emotion, next to love. If hyousuke's 'emotions' get to my head, I'll be weak. Ugh, why did my dad have to pear me up with him?

little reaper (prologue to death becomes a NEET)Where stories live. Discover now