Announcing the miscarriage to the gang...

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Danny's pov

Me and Johnny are coming home, we're gonna tell the gang, bout well. My miscarriage, this sucks I really wanted this baby, them Damn Soc's.

"Baby it's ok, maybe we can try when we really want to. I wanted the baby to." Johnny said and he brushed away a tear that was on my cheek. I didn't even know I was crying. We were at the my house, I looked at Johnny, he looked at me. I weakly smiled, and he did the same. He grabbed my hand, and I squeezed it. He opened the door, and we walked up the stairs.

"We dont have to do it right now, ya know." He said trying to comfort me, I shook my head.

"No we have to tell the together." I said and he smiled and squeezed my hand. We walked and the gang was normal. Loud, and annoying. They looked at us and smiled.

"Hey it's good to have you all better." Soda said hugging me, and I hugged back. I had tears in my eyes, he pulled back with a smile, but frowned when he saw me.

"What's wrong?" He asked and all the gang looked at us. I to a deep breath, and Johnny slide is hand in my mine and intertwined it.

"Soda everything, is not alright." I said and he looked confused.

"What do you mean, baby girl?" He asked using my name, I cringed to the 'baby' part.

"I mean, the baby is gone. I had a miscarriage. The Soc did this." I said then I broke out crying and Johnny hugged my side. Everyone grew quite. Pony seemed like he as gonna cry. Darry, Two, and Steve held tears, but were furious. Dal, he looked sad, but harden. Soda, my brother, man. He gave me a hug.

"Im sorry.'' He said and I sobbed in his shoulder, while he stroked my hair.

"Dammit, those Soc's gone to far!" Dal said and he stormed out.

"Is they anything we could do doll?" Two asked and I shrugged.

"I would like to get change, but that's probably it." I sniffed and he weakly smiled. I went up and put on warm-ups, and Pony's shirt. I came down, and Pony half-smiled when he saw my shirt. I sat with Johnny, he held me and we watched Mickey, in silence.

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