You find out you have cancer

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You and Liam have been dating for about 4 months now and lately weird things have been happening your breasts have been very sore and you've been getting black and blue bruises. Also you've been really tired lately not to mention your weak and you've been losing a lot of weight but haven't been working out. Liam got worried one morning when you were to tired to get out of bed and brought you to the hospital. The doctor ran a few test and Liam held your hand the entire time. The doctor walked back in and told Liam to sit down. 

"I'm sorry mrs. (y/l/n), but you have breast cancer." he said with almost no tone in his voice. "we have many..." at this point you stopped listening to the doctor and started tearing up. You looked over at Liam who was crying. you had to stay strong for Liam for your self. After the doctor left you grabbed Liam's hand. 

"well make it through this." you said as a few years fell from your eyes and down your cheeks.


You and Harry have been married for about a year now and he started getting very worried about you. You haven't eaten in 2 days, your very weak, you've been in pain, haven't been hungry, you've been losing weight, had fevers, a lot of infections, shortness of breath, swelling, and really weird red dots. You passes out and Harry rushed you to the hospital. When you woke up in a hospital bed and saw Harry sitting in the corner crying you knew something was wrong. 

"Harry, whats wrong?" you asked trying to sit up but failing and just laying there. He grabbed your hand and sat on the bed. 

"(y/n), you have Leukemia."he said bursting out into tears. You started crying yourself. 

"w-w-what?" you asked stuttering from the tears. 

"but I found the best treatment center and there going to make you better. They have to. I can't lose the best thing that's ever happened to me." he said bursting out into tears again. You started crying as well.


You and Zayn were engaged to be married in a few weeks. You were feeling really weird lately and today you ran into the bathroom and started throwing up... Blood. You yelled to Zayn who was down stairs making breakfast for you two when he ran into the room. He saw you laying on the floor with blood all over you and rushed you to the hospital. The doctor asked you a few questions and then made his conclusion. You had cancer. You blanked out when he told you what type of cancer but you did hear him say that "you only have a few months left." you started crying  

"(y/n), I'm sorry but I'm gonna find the best doctor and make your life as comfy as possible." Zayn said crying and holding your hand. You were crying to and just didn't know what to do.


Louis was talking to himself in the bathroom when you felt something unusual in your stomach and collapsed. Louis ran out into the bedroom to help you up and you started spitting out blood. Nothing was broken and the only thing wrong was you had a very hard time breathing and your stomach hurt. Louis rushed you to the hospital and after the doctor ran a few test and pulled Louis out into the hall. Louis started crying and you started freaking out Louis walked back into the room and pulled something out of his pocket he opened a little box and got down on one knee. 

"(y/n) will you marry me?" he asked you as tears ran down his face. 

"yes, yes I will marry you!" you said excitedly. "but um why are you crying?" you asked very concerned. 

"(y/n), this isn't the way I wanted to propose to you or the words I wanted to say to you after I proposed. But I'm you have cancer." he said crying. You started crying as well.


Niall just proposed to you and after you said yes you blacked out. You woke up in a hospital room with Niall crying in the corner with his arms wrapped around his legs.  

"Niall?" you said in a very weak voice. 

"why are you crying?" you asked in a very shaky voice. 

"(y/n), you have cancer." Niall said holding your hand and crying. 

"what?" you asked as you started crying."how long do I have?" you asked not making eye contact. 

"a few years..." Niall said crying hysterically. 

"this can't be happening..." you said crying. 

"it's okay we'll fight through it..."Niall said looking up at you. 

"no Niall I'm pregnant." you said looking him in the eyes. "I'll never get to see the baby's first steps first word, I'll never get to see past her first birthday or I might not even make it to her first birthday." you cried on Niall's shoulder.

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