King Blake

38 7 2

Age - 22
Owl age - 212

From - Dream world
Area ; owl Forest

+ : 6'0 / unknown

Season - Winter or Spring

Parent - King Dustan and Queen Luna
- DEAD -

- Birthday -
December 25, unknown

Birthstone + Royal color
: Tanzanite ( peace ) / Blue

Flying , getting away from fan girls , drawing , playing his violin , brushing his owl feathers , cooking sweets , and making awesome fireworks .

Like - sleeping , writing in his journal , Nekos , books , visiting the reality world , his twin brothers , and finding new things

Dislike - Ruby King and sapphire King

He is known as the
Tanzanite King because he mostly find those stones in his kingdom

Royal flower - narcissus
( hippiness )

Sexuality - Bisexual

Lover / Mate - No

Is he available ? ; Yes he is

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