Living together (LoZ - Link x Reader)

Start from the beginning

You stifled a giggle.
"But you looked sooo cute and funny with all those feather on you!"

Link's sheepish expression was suddenly replaced by a mischievous one as a sly grin made its way onto his face.
"Oh, just you wait! I'll get back at you for all the teasing!"

You put your arms akimbo and stuck your nose in the air, having a prideful look on you.
"Tha! I defy you to do so! I know that you'll – KYAAAAH!"

You let out a shrill cry, incapable to finish your sentence seeing that Link already launched himself at you, ready to pay you back.
You were barely able to dodge him and immediately began to abscond from your lovely boyfriend, though you didn't get very far.
Link was way faster than you and outran you in no time. He grabbed your wrist and yanked you towards him, making your body fly right into his chest. Holding you tightly, he started to tickle you mercilessly with his free hand.

"Thahahahahahaha! S-s-stop it! Thahaha! P-please!"
Being the ticklish person you are, you split your sides with laughter and pleaded Link to stop this torture through teary eyes.

"No way! That's what comes of it!"
Link chuckled as he continued to tickle your side, showing no sign of releasing you.

"Okay! Okay! I surrender! I'm sorry! I won't do it anymore! Just please, stop it!"
Not being able to endure it any longer, you gave in between uncontrolled laughs.

"There, there. That sounds much better."
Satisfied with your statement, Link finally let go of you, enabling you to normalize your breathing.

Once you had calmed down, Link gave you a peck on your forehead before grabbing your hand and resuming to walk to Epona's stable, not noticing the blush that was forming on your face as you tagged along.
At first, it seemed like Link would be the shy one in your relationship, seeing as he'd always blush and stutter whenever you'd teased him. This had changed however.
Over the time you two were dating he got increasingly impish. Whereas he'd still blush sometimes at your comments, he always teased you back and made you being the one all in a fluster.
Turned out he is the bold one in your relationship after all – not that you minded.

"Hey, there, girl."
You were brought back from your thoughts as Links greeted Epona, apparently you'd already reached the stable.

"Ready for our little trip?"
He then asked you, turning his head into your direction and you nodded in approval.
Holding your waist, he pushed you up from the ground and helped you to get on the horse before sitting himself up on his furry friend.

"Okay, let's go!"
With a sharp whistle Link signalized Epona to start gallopping and thus your trip with Link started.


I took you quiet some time to reach your destination and by the time you arrived it was already nightfall seeing as you had left Ordon Village right after dinner.

You breathed out in amazement, looking at the beautiful landscape in front of you and descended from Epona.
Pleased with your reaction, Link hopped down from his horse and patted her furry back before standing down next to you, admiring the nice view by your side.

The bright water reflected the radiant moonshine what made it sparken and glitter. It seemed like thousands of stars were laying on the lake's surface, creating a portrayl of the beautiful starry sky above you. But the cherry on the cake were the pretty fish with long and graceful fins that jumped from time to time out of the water, small water drops which shone in the moonlight trailing behind them.
Yeah, Lake Hylia looked surely amazing at night.

Silently, Link took your hand in his and led you to a large moss-covered rock on which you both sat down, overlooking the whole lake.

You smiled at your boyfriend, amazed by the gorgeous view.
"This is wonderful, Link! How did you get the idea to come here?"

"Well, you see I did have a little help."

"Is that so? And who did help you?"

You snorted at Link's answer. You couldn't really believe that someone like Rusl would know such a nice place.
"Rusl? No way. I can't imagine him visiting a romantic location like Lake Hylia here."

"Believe me or not, but he did gave me the tip to come here. Lake Hylia is actually where he proposed to Uli."

"Oh, but you won't propose now to me as well, will you? 'Cause that would be pretty cheesy."

"Not really. But there is something that I want to give you."

Now that made you quiet curious and your heart pounding. You were just joking around before, not really expecting him to give you anything, let alone propose to you.
Tilting your head slightly to the side, you watched narrowly Link taking out a small box out of his pocket. The carton didn't look flamboyant, it was a simple wooden box without any decorations, making you just wonder even more about its content.

The blond man took a deep breath before holding out his present to you.
"Here. That's for you. Open it up."

Smiling at your boyfriend, you accepted his gift gratefully.

You opened the wooden carton and raised your eyebrows questioningly at what lay in it.

Link let once again a heavy breath out before continuing to speak.
"That's the key to my house."

You gasped in surprise and covered your mouth with your free hand, sensing where this was going.
"Does this mean...?"

"Yeah, I want you to move in. That is if you want to. Listen, (f/n). We've been dating for some months now and I love you sincerely, from the bottom of my heart. I'd really like to take a step forward in our relationship. So...will you move in with me?"

You were on the verge of tears, overjoyed to hear those words comming from your beloved boyfriend. Link surely knows how to pull at your heartstrings.

"Yes. Yes, I'd love to!"
You replied happily to the blond as you tackled him down in a tight hug which Link gladly returned, chuckling at your reaction.

"I love you."
You mumbled into his chest as you huddled closer to your lover, cherishing this valuable moment.

Link leaned down to you and put his head on your shoulder, whispering softly into your ear.
"I love you, too...monkeybutt."

You immediately pushed yourself off of the blond, looking at him with a dumbfounded expression, totally flustered and blushing to the roots of your hair.

The cerulean-eyed man flashed you a cheeky smile.
"Well, I thought you didn't like it too cheesy?"

"Geez, Link!"
You rolled your eyes and slapped him playfully on his shoulder, feigning to be irritated by his action.
"This isn't at all what I meant!"

Link let out a hearty laughter and you jointed him willingly before he lifted up his arm, signalizing you to come nearer. Gladly obeying, you huggled closer to your boyfriend and continued to admire the beautiful view but not before earning another chaste kiss to your forehead from your lovely man.

You were truly happy about how your relationship with Link was progressing and you couldn't wait to move in with your love into his your house.~

Blooming Love (LoZ - Link x Reader) [One-Shot Collection!]Where stories live. Discover now