Chapter Two: Jai

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I walk into the house with Nina. It was a small shaft, but as good as anyone can get out here.

"Wwhhhaddduppp!" Avia greeted us, slightly tipsy. "Oh hey Nina! I didn't know that you were going to show up. Wwhatdup!"

"Alright Avia get off of me!" I could tell Nina was getting unconfortable,
even though she is with Avia all the time she doesn't really see this side of her.

"Hey guys, lets play a game!" Avia shouted. "Let's play free for 100 or for 1000!" Everyone gathered around. The groups of people going from 20 year old to 60 year old playing a drinking game.

Chase comes up to us sweaty, "Hey guys!"

I tease my brother "Why are you soo sweaty?" I ask. "Chase your girlfriend has been here with us the whole time."

"Said girlfriend put me on throw up duty." Chase said "

"Guys I am going to get a beer," I tell everyone. "Do you want anything?"

"Yeah," Nina answers, "can you get me some beer?"

"I am shocked," I exclaim, "Nina are you sure?"

"Yeah, this won't be good for your vocal chords," Chase follows.

"Yeah, I am positive everyone else is drinking, and what else is there to do here?" Not knowing what to do, I gave her the a bottle, she looked at it for a minute and drank the whole thing at once.

"Wow impressive!" Chase said. You could see the alcohol slowly entering her body.

Then out of nowhere, Avia came up behind us, "I saw that and, Nina, I will say that I have never been prouder of your of existance." Then Chase and Avia began making out. It began to shower again.

"Lets go outside!" I suggested, but everyone was off in thier own little world, so I went out on my own. The moon was so bright out that it illuminated the ashes left behind cigarrets. I lied down on the sand still hot from the scorthing sun, but cool against the summer rain. I look up at the stars that look like little specks of glitter. From here barely even noticable with the moon shining so bright.

A few minutes later Avia came over with a bottle. "I found scotch, and who more classier than Jai Berland to share it with!" she lies down beside me and we look up into the sky. "I am sorry about your mom," she says.

"Its okay," I said. "Honestly, I felt like nearly loosing Nina was way worse, and with her in such a bad condition, it's like I never know what to say you know."

"Yeah I feel you," Avia said. "If my dad were to leave, I feel like it would be worse for the hospital here than myself."

I take some scotch. "Oh snap I forgot to get you a present!" I said.

"Dont worry about it," Avia said. "If we are all being completely honest, no one really wants anything that can be put into a box."

"Really, I like to think people are shallow." I say jokingly.

"There's my dad who wants to help people, but he can't do much here. There's June who wants to go back to Vegas, and so whatever June does. There's Nina who just wants to sing, and then there is Chase who just wants to party- so I guess one peoson gets what they want." I finish. Then we hear something- it was loud, so loud you could feel the ground move a bit. We looked at each other alarmed wondering if someone had died, but it wasn't the bell making the noise. It was almost something mechanical. Niether of us could figure out what it was so we layed back down trying to enjoy the drizzle, and then we saw it. A little flying objet in the sky reflecting off of the moonlight.

Chase walked up to us shortly after "So Nina right now is kinda everywhere." I couldn't help but laugh a little. But Chase continued "She needs to figure this out on her own, these stories. Tell her stories tomorrow. That will be great!"

"Hey, don't destroy the innocent!" I said. "I mean without recording it." Chase sat down beside Avia as we looked at this object.

"It's a plane. Yes, it is definitely a plane!" said Avia a little too confidently,

"How would you know" I was intrigued by this information

"Well umm, I remember my dad told me he went in a few of those before this wall went up, people used to fly, like really fly."

"Thats just great!" Chase said. "There are some people who are flying and other who are trapped in a cage waiting to die."

"Ohh please we aren't trapped," Avia started. "I bet that if we wanted to, we could find a way out of here." She got up and began spinning around.

"The government would kill us in a moment if he saw any of us outside the city." I said.

"And how will they know what we look like if they had never been inside the city?"

"Okay, fine," I said. "What is your master plan to get out of here?"

She responded, "If I tell you then it won't be a master plan, it would be a secret."

"Please!" Chase said. "You are where ever the sun is."

Avia responded, "And you are wherever the beer is"

"1051 of us left!" Chase blurted.

"Way to be a debby downer, babe," said Avia.

"No think about it!" said Chase. "All we do around here is drink and sleep. We dont even have a school or a playground or anything that June or Dr. Page or anyone ever talks about. We are all just stuck here to die and all of us are almost dead. 1051 people, that's all and after that they won, we are all dead and forgotten."

I wanted to say something but I know what, I knew that loosing mom yesterday and nearly loosing Nina got the better of him, and it sucks for Avia to have a tense birthday.

Well I said, finally, "I don't know about you, but I am in the mood for some marshmallows." So I did what every nice friend would do and find some marshmallow and sticks. Avia and Chase did what every couple did when left alone for more than 5 minutes. But when I returned we all just stared a fire, the 3 of us, laughing, actually laughing for the first time in a while. After about an hour we finish the scotch, roasted the marshmallows and fell asleep under the stars in the cool desert night.

Authors note :
Hey guys! I hope you like the story so far! If you do, then please vote for this story, and maybe leave a comment about what might happen! See you later.

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