Chapter 2 - Stopping the Death and Despair

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Hey everyone! SkyTiger7 here again! I hope you enjoyed my first chapter! But if you didn't, then So Be It. (I couldn't help myself. I'm so sorry I did that)

Just reminding everyone that I do not own the characters from Fairy Tail and they belong to Hiro Mashima, but I did come up with everything else but Magnolia and Fiore.

"Thank you, Zeref. That makes me feel so much better."

You had no idea of going about saving Zeref from his OWN magic, but you had to try. You sat criss-crossed on the ground, deep in your thoughts, facing Zeref. While deep in your thoughts, you heard Zeref make a noise, perhaps he was trying to get your attention? But when you looked up there was not only Zeref there but a strange man with a blue and gold robe on, a black tattoo on the right side of his chest, a red ribbon wrapped around his waist, and spiky blond hair reaching all the way down his back. He was holding on to Zeref's mouth so that he would stay quiet and without warning picked him up and put him over his shoulder, earning a pained gasp from Zeref. He was trying to take Zeref! "Who are you!? and what are you doing, trying to take someone who doesn't belong to you!?"

"Shut up, you stupid girl. I am taking the black wizard with me whether you like it or not."

"(Y/N)! help me!"

"Put him down! As of right now, he belongs to me!" You tried to say fiercely. The man looked down at you since you were about a foot shorter than him and said

"Well guess what. He belongs to the dark guild Grimoire Heart now and there is nothing you can do about it." You quickly rushed up to the man and tried to punch him. He dodged with ease and in turn said "You can't beat a god slayer! You should just stop trying."

"GOD slayer!? I have only heard of dragon slayers. What is this nonsense?"

"I apologize. I did not give you my name. Well then, If you truly don't know who I am I will tell you. I am one of the seven kin of purgatory, you may call me Zancrow the God Slayer of Grimoire Heart. You see, the magic I use is called lost magic. No one else knows how to use--" Just before Zancrow finished his sentence, Zeref started yelling in pain. Zancrow dropped Zeref in an attempt to keep the noise away from his keen ears. Zeref quickly picked himself off of his back and onto his knees. He suddenly screeched again. But this time he said something.

"(Y/N)! Stay away! My magic is out of control! Whatever you do, do not come anywhere close! Run away from here and into one of the buildings, please (Y/N)! I don't want to hurt you!" You did as you were told and ran into the building farthest from where Zeref and Zancrow were and crouched just high enough off the floor of the building so that you could see out the window. Zancrow tried to use his black god slayer flames to attack Zeref while he was defenseless but a mist of black magic surrounded the kneeling Zeref, making it impossible to attack Zeref because he knew that if he as much as touched the black mist he would be dead. You watched as Zancrow attempted to run away, but just seconds after, Zancrow was engulfed by the thick mist. After the mist cleared, I could see Zancrow, his eyes now almost lifeless and white as he fell to the ground. His body seemed to be petrified as he took his last breath and his body fell perfectly still.

"Zeref! What did you do!" You came running out of the stone house you were crouching in to come into a big circle with nothing living or breathing but Zeref in the middle of it. Even all of the vines on the surrounding buildings inside the circle have withered and died.

"Now you see. (Y/N)."

"See what?"

"What my magic does to other people." Zeref carefully got up and walked over to where Zancrow's lifeless body lay on the ground, just feet away from you. He crouched down and closed his eyes. All the while, tears were falling from his eyes, and landing on Zancrow's bare chest, soaking into his clothes. "I didn't mean to kill him. Why does it always have to end this way?"

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