3.) When he talks to you late at night about his childhood...

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"Hey, do you have a map?" he asked randomly, breaking the silence between us.

"Huh?" I peeked curiously at him. "What for?"

"Because, I'm getting lost in your eyes." he said cheekily whilst staring  deep into my eyes.

I could feel myself blushing so I quickly let my hair fall lightly on my face so he wouldn't see my tomato colored face.

I laughed lightly. "That was awful." I commented.

"Oh really huh? But you're blushing." he cooed and I blushed harder, making him chuckle. "Don't hide from me, baby." he whispered, tucking my hair behind my ear. "There. That's better." he commented. "How bout you? Any past boyfriends I should know about?"

"Boyfriend." I corrected. "He cheated on me."

His jaw clenched tightly. "Sorry, you didn't deserve that." he said, running his finger on my knee.

"I'm not." I said with a shrug. "I have you now."

He relaxed. "Want me to kill that dickhead?"

I chuckled. "Nah. He lost me so it's his loss. I'm the one who got away." I laughed wickedly.

He laughed along with me. "Yea. And I got you now." he grinned.

"Yea." I leaned down and gave him a quick, upside down kiss.

"Hmmm." he said thoughtfully.

"Hmmm?" I echoed, running my hand through his hair, softly ruffling it.

"I was a loner when I was a little kid. Nobody wanted to be my friend." he smiled sadly at me.

I opened my mouth to say something but he shushed me playfully. "Let me tell you my story."

I clamped my mouth shut.

"No one liked me because I was this cocky, conceited, self-centered, know it all and no they didn't call me those things. I was actually those things." he said grimacing a little. "I don't know why I was like that. Maybe because when I was a kid, I was showered with attention. People gushed abiut me saying that I was so so handsome.' he said in a high pitched voice and I chuckled softly.

"People make a fuss about my grades, saying how they were exceptional and telling me that I was a genius, the handsome Little Einstein, that's what they called me and I guess that all got stuck in my head and inflated my ego, turning me into a cocky, conceited jerk." he paused.

"My mantra back then? I know that I'm smart, I know that i'm handsome and I know that I'm better than the rest of them." he laughed bitterly. "Pathetic, right? So basically, I didn't have a childhood. I didn't get to play games like tag or hide and seek because I had no one to play with. I didn't get to experience having a kid's birthday party because well, what's the point? No one will really come. I didn't get to attend one of those parties because no one invited me and yea, you get the idea." he closed his eyes briefly and then opened it again, looking vulnerable and lost. "I was all alone." he whispered, finishing his story.

My heart broke at the sight of him and the image of a small, little browneyed boy all cooped up in his room, watching the other kids play from his window.

My poor baby.

"You're not alone now." I said softly. "You have me."

He smiled shyly at me. "I'm glad..."

"Why tell me all of this though? Your friends told me that you rarely talk about yourself and when you do you're very discreet."

"You're different." he said in a husky voice. "I trust you."

His words made my heart thump a little faster and right at that moment, I wanted to unleash all my secrets to him, tell him my dreams and share him my thoughts - the bright ones and the dark ones.

But I held back because I need the assurance that he will never leave me. I don't want to share parts of me to someone who will leave because when they do, they'll take with them those with them, leaving me like an uncomplete puzzle with missing pieces.

"Get up." I ordered.

He looked at me with puzzled eyes but obliged, sitting up slowly.

I grinned mischievously and tapped my right hand on his chest.

"Tag. You're it." I said, laughing maniacally and quickly sprinting into a run.

He blinked blankly at me for a second but then caught on, immediately  dashing off to catch me and laughing like a little boy.


a/n: shortish chapter :-( sorry but the next one will be longer i promise c; pls pls pls check out Slick_Slytherin14 's story! it is awesome. xx

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luvyuuuol x

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