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By: Angel Hays 12/05/12

6:09 P.M

Dreaming of a tomorrow with you was amazing. Waking up without you, not so much. You weren't there when I did. You weren't by my side. Untangling fantasy from reality, I realized my dreams. My dreams were to become a wife and mother, a friend and lover. But one thing shifted, so everything changed. Now my dream is to wake beside you again. My views have changed, so my dreams are shifting. Now, I dream of a better place called Tomorrow. A place where the racism and hatred doesn't exist. A place where we can live in peace and never worry of upcoming war. I dream of a place where WE exist together. Dreaming of a tomorrow with you was amazing. But waking up without you, not so much. You weren't there when I did, making that sweet dream a beautiful nightmare.

But I am only dreaming, of course.

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