chapter 2

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I walked over to perry and gave her a hug and said I missed her a lot ,

she said me too and now you get to meet my boyfriend and the lads ,

I smiled at her and got into the car ,

we driven from the airport to one directions apartment,

it was huge , as I knocked the door perry said just go inside it doesn’t matter they wont mind ,

and I opened the door and saw one direction ! I had to try not to fangirl ,

I saw two bright blue eyes staring into mine ,

it was Niall Horan , hes so cute ,

I was greeted by the lads ,

and Zayn said you must be Tori

Niall's p.o.v : Zayn said you must be Tori and she smiled ,

I know I only met her but she is so beautiful ,

I saw Harry come up to her and start flirting with her ,

I started getting really jealous,

she must of saw me cuz then she came up to me and asked if I wanted to go to her place and I said yes cuz what else would I say to a beautiful girl like her ,

I saw jealously and anger in Harry’s eyes ,

and I just smirked and went off with Tori ,

Tori's p.o.v : omg Niall Horan said yes , I cant believe it ,

we went to my apartment and Niall asked if we could play 21 questions so of course I said yes,

he asked me what was my favourite colours and I replied saying '' purple , blue and green ,

what about you , he said blue and green ,

what’s your favourite band / singers he asked me , One direction , Ed Sheeran , Little mix and Justin beiber I replied ,

cool , did you know Ed Sheeran is friends with us he asked and I said no , sorry I didn’t but that’s awesome ,

I asked him if he wanted go to nandos tomorrow and hes must’ve been really excited cuz he said yes a billion times yes ,

Niall's p.o.v : I cant believe she asked if I wanted to go to nandos ,

shes amazing after a couple of minutes she said '' its kinda late shouldn’t you be going home now ?'' and I said yes unless you want me to stay with you I said with big puppy dog eyes and she smirked and said sure but you better tell the guys your sleeping over ,

I said ok and phoned the lads , I told them and I must’ve been on speaker cuz I heard everyone say

Niall's got a girlfriend Niall's got a girlfriend then suddenly

I heard harry slam the door and run upstairs

oooh what happened next 3 votes and I will update it later

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