A Nightmare on Elm Street Poem (Poems based on other scary movies as well)

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You've fallen asleep

You're in the world of dreams,

then through the silence you hear a scream.

You see a melted man whose hand brightly gleams.

You run but seem to be standing still.

He's chasing you, he's out to kill.

He catches you by your hand,

you get to see the melted man.

Who it is you haven't a clue.

You try to escape, but can only scream.

His hand is stuck to you like glue.

But the last thing you see is his bladed hand gleam.

You can do nothing but fall to the ground.

"You've been killed," he says with a smirk.

You try to reply, but cant make a sound.

Your throat was bleeding it had been slit.

You feel the darkness start to spread,

you can't deny it you're already dead.

This is my sad ending to a terrifying tale.

Freddy Kruegar is still alive and well,

so sweet dreams and have a good night.

But I have one last thing to say,

try to stay alive until the next day.

A Nightmare on Elm Street Poem (Poems based on scary movies as well)Where stories live. Discover now