Chapter II

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"tsk." said by a person with dull voice. I turned my head to see who is it. Gray hair. Gray eyes. His gazes are blank. So dull. Lifeless. He almost resemble him.

He stared at me with annoying look. He started picking up his book that fallen into the ground. I also started standing up and was about to apologize when he turned around and start walking away. So cold. He didn't even bother to help me. 

"Hey! Sorry!" I shouted. Even though he is arrogant, I still need to apologize because it's also my partly fault. But still, he didn't bother to turn around. I'm pretty sure he heard it but he pretended not and continue walking away.

"Please join our Literature Club."

"Miss join our Tea Ceremony Club."

"Hi. Are you joining Drama Club"

These past few days, many people are consulting me joining their club. But honestly, I don't have interested joining outdoor activities club. I just want to be a join the Library Committee and read books.

I sighed. There are so many paperworks I need to do regarding that I am the vice-president in student council. 

"Tired already?" I heard a husky voice on my ears. I freeze. I can't move. My heart is beating so fast. My mind went blank. Why am I like this when your around to me? Why Akashi-kun?

"o-of course n-not!" I said in defense. I wish he could just go away. I can't focused to my works. 

"Good." he said and smirked. All of the members of student council already went home after they finish their walk so it's just me and Akashi-kun who left behind. I fastened my pace to finish my works. I don't want to be near him again but fate is so unfair. He sat next to me and watched me as I do my works.

"D-do you already finished your works?" I asked and shift my gaze to him. I meet his heterochromatic eyes. So beautiful. 

"Of course." he said with high authority in voice. Of course he is, he's always absolute. 

"Why are you here?" I asked again. This time, he glance me a glare.

"Why do you care? Don't you want me to be here?" he answered my question with a question. His voice is so cold that made me shivered with fear.

"N-no. I'm just asking." I answered and stand up. Finally, I finished my works. I immediately arrange my table and grab my bag. I'm currently going to open the door but a strong hands forced to closed it again and brute fist banged the door and push me. My back hurts because of forced. Akashi-kun cornered me. My bag is scattered on the floor. I'm scared. But still, pink tips appeared to my cheeks. I'm in this position but still it made me blush. Akashi-kun closed the space towards us until we both have no space between us. I can smell his perfume. I can also smell his breath. I closed my eyes and savored this moment. The scary feeling I was feeling were washed away and was replaced by lovely feeling. He didn't kiss me nor say anything. We just stayed that moment for 5 minutes. My eyes is still closed. And when I opened my eyes he's walking away. I pick my things on the ground. He stop for a minute and said.

"Your our manager on basketball for now." 

He said and walked away to the door. 


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