The lights caused me to close my eyes as I walked into it. When I opened my eyes, Anna, Bruce, Andrew, and Danny were looking at me  with worried and terrified looks. My knees started to fail me as his eyelids dropped shut.

The next thing I remembers is being back in the Controller hideout. Whenever he asked what had happened, the Controller would say I got knocked out whilst fighting the bird. I can't fill the gaps in my memory, and I cannot remember a thing about what really happened. I have  a feeling though that they know about.

"What really happened when I was asleep?"

They tell me the full story about what happened in the lab. I never knewI could be so cruel, I never knew I could be so strong. I almost killed Raven, and I don't remember anything about. Could the power really be overpowering me?

They didn't however tell me that the Controller was responsible for my outbreak.

"Go in without me," I say looking down, "and please, save Joshua." I turn around and start walking away.

Anna grabs my wrists, I look up at Anna. Guilt is already fuelling up in me.

"You can fight it, I saw you do it," Anna says.

"I can't risk killing someone just because I think I can fight whatever came over me."

"Come on dude, you know you're in control," Andrew says.

"We didn't come this far to turn back now, don't you want to see your mom and bestfriend again."

"What if I kill someone?"

"Trust me," Bruce says, with his hand on my shoulder, "you won't. "

I nod, agreeing to come with them though I'm not sure that I has full control, but they have more faith in me than I have in myself. It reminds of Josh.

Andrew touches an invisible electric fence infront of him, he was the only one who could feel the energy. His friends would have walked in blindly. He draws in the electricity in it, the fence now appears as he does this.

After a few seconds with electricity running around his body, the lights on the fence go off. A huge door now appears on the side of the mountain infront of them. A few moments ago, the was just a mountain infront of us. The sun has set, the moon is our source of light as we walk toward the mountain.

We stop with our backs against the door. Danny sees a ventilation shaft and points towards it, the hatch closing the vent starts melting at Bruce's gaze. He then disappears and appears inside the vent with his head out.

"You coming?" Bruce asks as he disappears again.

Anna opens a portal leading to the vent way up above. I teleport myself  to the vent, and I'm  right behind Andrew who ran up the door leading to the vent. Danny stretches himself to the vent and enters. After several minutes of crawling in the vents, we finally decide to go out.

Bruce melts the hatch closing the vent, he floats himself with the air and lands on the ground. The place is filled with darkness, all the lights must have gone out in the building as well. All of them go out of the vents and start walking quietly behind Bruce.

How nice it would be if we could all go in and out without being spotted. This is the furthest I have ever gotten without being caught. At times I didn't want to sneak around, but now I need to be as quiet as possible.

We were all quiet as we walked, so quiet that you could hear a cockroach being squished under our feet. I turn on my night vision, I hadn't thought about it before this.

I look around and see a woman with grey hair standing next to the hooded guy who killed Mr Young. The woman has a switch in hand, but it is different from the one they used in their last encounter. The gray haired woman is wearing a smile on her face as she looks straight at us. The rest of my team must have not seen the two people in their midst. I now realize that this is a trap, it was a little too easy getting into this place.

"It's a trap!" I shout.

The lights immediately go on and the room we are in is the cafeteria. Tables line the room, the smell of food now runs up their nostrils as the truly recognize where we are. Just two figures stand in the room looking at them. The look in their eyes is cruel and vicious, they look at all of us like weak prey.

"I've been looking for you, who knew you'd come directly to us."

I grind my teeth, anger already fuelling  up inside of me. We were stupid enough to think that this would really work, that we had gone in undetected.

"You're outnumbered," Bruce says, "and seeing that your monsters aren't here, you're as good as dead."

"You're greatly out matced, too bad we won't be fighting. I would've loved to see the kid fight, he's the only one who stands a chance."

The gray haired woman clicks on the switch, I can tell that the switch is supposed to deactivate our nanobots, to scramble the nanobots' communication.

We are however well prepared for that part. We all let out a smile, I take out a ball of energy, Andrew holds a bolt of electricity in hand. We do this just to show that their switch didn't affect any of us.

"Well, now I guess we have to fight," I say, whilst starring at both of them.

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