Conversion Day

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Chapter 2

My shift was now over, and I am ready to spend a romantic night with my husband. I drove home and made it home at about 6:30 p.m.. I went across the street to check if I had any mail. "Crystal?" A voice came from a distance. I looked to my left and my right, and I couldn't seem to find where the voice was coming from. "Crystal! Over here!" A man shouted. I followed the voice, and I saw an old high school friend of mine.

"Timothy?!" I walked over to him and we hugged. "How are you? I haven't seen you since graduation!" Timothy asked. "I've been good. I'm working at Hollywood Music Studio Booth, working the desk, and I'm married now." I said showing him my ring. "I'm married as well. Girl you look good! You go to the gym don't you?" He asked. "Matter of fact yes I do. I have to be fit for my man. You know!" We exchanged laughs. "So you live here now?" I asked. "Yeah, me, my wife, and my son just moved in over there." He pointed to the house at the end of the street. "That's great. Well you'll love it here. Me and husband moved here a couple of months after we got married, and we just fell in love with the place." Timothy smiled and nodded his head. "Well it was nice seeing you girl!" Timothy said. "It was nice seeing you too. Well I'll see you around!" I said with a big smile. "Alright. See you later." We both hugged one last time, and we went in opposite directions.

I walked into the house through the front door. "Nathaniel! I'm home!" I announced. I went into the kitchen and nothing was set up for dinner. There was no sign of Nathaniel anywhere, which was quite odd. I went to our room, and I changed in some comfortable clothing. I felt so comfortable now that I was wearing loose pants and a t-shirt, and my hair in a bun.

I opened the door from my bedroom, and I was struck across the face. I fell to the floor, and held my face as the stinging sensation traveled throughout my cheek. I looked up, with tears in my eyes blurring my vision. "Nathaniel! Why?" I cried. "I don't want you talking to that man anymore. You hear me?" I didn't respond immediately. I brought his hand up, ready to strike again. "Okay! Okay! Okay." I cried. "I've been waiting all day for some food. So clean yourself up and prepare dinner." Nathaniel said. He walked out of the room, and I continued to cry. He has never hurt me in any way. Until this fateful day.


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