... Somewhere I belong

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I had nothing to say
And I get lost in the nothingness inside of me

I didn't have anything to say in the beginning, because of a stupid crush I had on Brandon, I looked at him through starry eyes and wrote poems and everything about him. But that was before I learnt that he owned me, that he have his way with me anyway he wanted, even take my blood. I then got lost with the empty feeling inside, no more love hearts and unicorns for the filthy blood sucker who was pure evil, who also began to prey on my brother. I didn't know how to deal with my loss of emotions, I didn't know how to deal with him, so I resorted to anger dressed as a goth to piss off the filthy leech who liked me sweet and innocent. It worked but he prayed on my brother more, and my parents were disappointed in me, for risking their lives and their honor, like hell was I going to suck up to some leech.

And I let it all out to find
That I'm not the only person with these things in mind

So when I turned sixteen I refused to be under the protection of him. I let out my anger, only to be disowned by my parents and put my brother life at risk. But I soon relised I wasn't the only one with the idea of ditching their protecter.

But all that they can see the words revealed
Is the only real thing that I've got left to feel

But then all I had left was my anger towards Brandon, I was alone, cold, vulnerable , unprotected and disowned.

Just stuck, hollow and alone
And the fault is my own, and the fault is my own

I made my way towards the only place I knew that was protected feeling empty and alone. It was all my own fault, because I wasn't smart or strong enough to defend or protect myself, it would also be my own fault if Jason were to get hurt.

I wanna heal, I wanna feel like I'm close to something real
I wanna find something I've wanted all along
Somewhere I belong

I touched the healing wounds on my neck with one hand and held my warm espresso with the other. I sat and stared out the huge window of the common grounds. "I need somewhere to stay" I muttered to myself and let out a sigh as I caught sight of my reflection. My makeup had run due to the angry tears I had shed on my way to the common grounds, taking my anger out on stones that got in the way of my doc martins. "Face it Rosser you never really belonged there, they didn't love you that much, if they did they would have supported you" I said to myself referring to my parents.

An old flyer caught my attention, it was to advertise a concert that had already passed, played by Michael Glass. Damn that guy is a hottie I thought then another played on my mind, maybe I should stay at his, at least until I find a place, he might let me I mean we are sort of friends. Realizing I had nothing to lose I paid for my coffee and gathered my small bag of stuff and walked to Lot street, wanting somewhere I belonged.

And I've got nothing to say
I can't believe I didn't fall right down on my face

When I made my way to Michaels it was just nightfall I knocked on the door. I was getting weary as the sun continued to fall, I was about to turn and leave when Michael opened the door. He looked confused "hey Eve, what's wrong?" He asked "I need a place to stay" I said bitting my lip nervously. He probably could see that I had been crying and knew I wasn't going to say anything more, not straight away anyway, because he nodded and opened the door further. I picked up my bag and went to walk over the threshold, when Michael shouted and pulled my though the door, I landed on my back and thankfully not my face. I looked out the window to see Brandon thrashing against an invisible barrier.

Finally Brandon gave up, Michael looked at me "Explain" he said calmly, as though having pissed off vampires trying to break in was something that happened on a daily basis, probably because of Shane.

What do I have but negativity
'Cause I can't justify the way, everyone is looking at me

My attitude was sparking and Claire could tell because she squeezed my hand , "ignore them" she said referring to all the anti vamp residents. "Easier said then done CB" I said then let out a sigh "but I'm trying" I said. I didn't know why, no I did but I didn't want to, I was a "fang-banger" a goth marrying a vampire and the human residents weren't fussed on the idea of a human marrying a vampire, they seemed to see it as betrayal. But I didn't care what they thought I had finally found somewhere I belonged, that's in the glass house with Shane , Claire and my fiancé.

And Michael and I did get married as did Claire and Shane even though Michael is a human now, I am where I belong even if it is in Morganville.

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