Chapter 3

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I was walking down the hall searching for Clint. Once I found him I picked up my pace, but was stopped by a glass wall. I slammed my fists to get their attention but no one turned, no one heard. "They won't ever notice or care for you like I would if you join me," Loki's words rang in my head.

"Vikki!" someone distant called. "Vikki!" they called again. I was shaken awake. I sat up panting and sweaty. Damn nightmares/memories. A comforting hand was put on my shoulder.

I looked up at the man. Brown hair, stubbled face, my eyes caught something glowing in his chest. He caught my gaze and sat down. "This is basically my heart," he explained tapping it.

He lifted his shirt and I gasped. Holy shit, it really is apart of him. I sat up and moved my hand to touch it but hesitated. If he doesn't want me to it's going to get awkward fast. He gave me a reassuring nod and I leaned in. It was cold, with a weird star engraving.

I jerked my hand away when the door open and Clint's confused face entered. "Time to go," he ordered giving Tony an intimidating glare. I nodded and followed him out giving Tony a quick wave that he immediately returned.

"What were y'all doing?" Clint asked breaking the silence. I felt my cheeks heat up and I looked down. Awkward. "I was interested in the weird light thing that acts as his heart," I answered honestly.

He walked me into a gym and turned to look at me with a smirk. "Shall we?"

Clint's pov
For a girl, she can fight, and she can fight good. Surprisingly enough she could beat Nat. Don't tell her I said that. Watching her beat the shit out of a dummy gave me an idea. I put gloves on myself and stopped her, pulling her into the middle of the mat.

"We're going to play a game," I smirked at her confused look. Wooh she's hot! Only friends, Fury? "We're going to fight each other, to get a point you have to pin the other down. Best two out of three," I explained and she smiled.

We danced around the mat studying each others moves. She steps before she punches. Cool. I took one to the gut before I tackled her. I struggled keeping dominance as we rolled around the mat.

Finally I had her down with me on her waist and her arms pinned above her head. "One," I smirked and she snickered. We stood up again and I felt something hit me instantly, and she was on top of me in the position that I was.

"Two," she smiled helping me up. Cheater. Here's the tie breaker.

Why is it that tie breakers take the longest? We rolled on the ground constantly changing who's on top. When it was my turn I pinned her down as hard as I could. She struggled not willing to admit defeat.

"Fine, fine, you win," she sighed and I sat up proudly. Ha! Now we know that if I can beat her, I can beat Nat! "What's this?" she asked pulling me closer to her. She stroked the scar I got from Budapest on my neck making me shiver. "A cut I got on my last mission," she frowned but let it go.

My breath hitched when I saw how close our faces were. She seemed to notice and looked away. I grabbed her chin and made her look at me as I leaned in. "Barton, oh shit," someone said and I instantly jumped off of her. Bruce stood in the doorway with his smirk growing. Fuck!

"Fury needs you two on deck," he announced trying not to laugh. I knew my cheeks were as red as Victoria's. Couldn't have come a little later man? Damn it!

Ooohhh! They almost kissed!
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Love my lovelies!

Katy xo

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