Chapter 5

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Suddenly a huge blast shot in the room sending everyone everywhere. I felt my self hit the wall and someone big slam into me. I groaned in pain as bars covered us. "Are you okay?" he asked and I looked at the person. I froze in place. Out of all people why him right now?

There was Cap, a bar laying across his legs. He slithered out and ran over to me. "Watch out!" I screamed pushing him out of the way as a bar fell onto my back making me scream. "Victoria!" He yelled running over. He lifted the bars off me and helped me up.

"Both Rogers! Help Stark with the engine!" Fury ordered. We broke into a sprint and dodged random bullets. "Stark we're here!" Cap shouted into the intercom. I ran over to reintac the control units and Cap waited by the lever.

After I finished I jumped over by him to fight off Loki's troops. The gun went out and I cursed at it. Fuck! Bullets kept flying and I instinctly put my hands up accidently knocking into Cap sending us off the helicarrier.

Cap got a death grip on a wire and the other in my hand. "Pull the lever!" Stark said. Bad timing! Cap struggled to pull us both up. I knew he couldn't and Cap just stared at me. "Bye dad," I said a tear falling before I let go off his hand.

You know how you have that dream of you falling? And that mini heart attack you have when you wake up? That's not how it feels. It's actually quite peaceful. The wind under you makes it feel like your floating.

Right now I'm welcoming death with open arms.


Cap's pov
Bye dad. Her voice was taunting my mind. She called me dad. Her last words were for me. I never got to tell her why I didn't look for her. I punched the wall leaving a huge dint. "Why!?!" I cried letting all my tears just river down my face.

Clint came beside me as we stared at the wire where she had let go. I knew why she did it, but I wish she hadn't. "Her last words were bye dad," I choked out. She called me dad! I can never give her a hug! I never got to have a real conversation with my own daughter!

Loki will pay. Even if it means the death of me.

Short chapter I know but eventful! I just wanted to update!

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Love my lovelies!

Katy xo

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