Chapter 4

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Vikki's pov
I just stared at Fury like he was a ghost. "Are you high?" I asked earning a chuckle from the guys. "No, I'm not 'high'. Now, do you accept?" I shifted uncomfortably. Interrogate Loki. How about no!

"Yes." What!? Why did I say that? No! "Great, he's on the detention level. Barton will lead you there." I could see Banner smirk but I waved it off. I'll blush if I keep looking at him.

We were excused and I followed Clint towards Loki's cell that was actually meant for the Hulk. "Don't let him get to you, okay?" Clint whispered with concern written all over his face. I nodded and he gave me a quick hug, "good luck."

The door closed behind me and I stayed in the shadows. Loki was pacing around with the same devilish smirk he wears. God I want to smack it off! Suddenly he stopped and snickered, "not many people can sneak up on me."

I stepped from the shadows and his face stiffened when he saw me. That's right bitch! Look who got out! His face returned to his infamous smirk. "Look who it is, the little soldier. The daughter of Captain America, but not as useful."

"Why let us take you so easily?" I questioned sitting in the chair next to his cell. He scoffed and dodged the question. "Why are You here?" he backfired. "Because I belong here."

He smiled and shook his head, "no my dear, you'll never belong here. A little soldier with a bunch of freaks. A dad who didn't care enough to come look for his own daughter. That pain will never go away for as long as your around him."

I stiffened slightly trying not to show it. "But you are close to one in particular," he added. Fuck! How does he know all this?! He sauntered closer to the side and I watched his every move.

"I offered you a position with me, and its still open for you. I could be the dad you never had, or maybe replace The Hawk's roll." I gagged. "That's gross old man," I teased and I watched his eyes flash in anger.

He slammed his fist on the side and I instantly stood up. "Then I'll take you both! I'll turn you over myself and make you hurt him! Physically and emotionally! I'll wake you up and let you see what you've done! Then I'll kill him, slowly in front of you so you can hear his screams and begs for you to save him before I end you both!"

Tears drained down my face at the thought. "You're a monster!" I screamed making him smirk. "Oh no, you brought the monster." Wait, monster. Banner! "So Banner, that's your play." His face turned confused as I hit the intercom to tell everyone.

I'll make you torture him! And then kill him slowly so you can hear his screams and begs for you to save him. Before I end you both. Loki's voice taunted me.

When I got to their lab everyone was arguing like children. "Shut it!" I yelled and everyone stopped. "Want to remove yourself from this environment doctor?" He smirked, "I was in Calcutta, I was well removed."

"Loki's manipulating you," I announced and he chuckled.

"Just figure that out sweetheart?" Oh hell no!

Oohh. Do you think he will? Or will he fail? Shout out to HaileyBowman6 for the first comment! Thanks girl! Hope you liked it.

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Love my lovelies!

Katy xo

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