Don't touch her

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A/N: I really wanted to publish these new oneshots with an actual oneshot so you don't have to wait. This is just a quick oneshot based on the picture above where Steve and Natasha have been abducted by Hydra agents and tortured. Sorry if it's really short. I have translations below so don't worry about searching them up. I already have heaps of ideas so I will try and post as frequently as I can. Don't forget to vote and comment any ideas or opinions.

The ice cold water splashes against my beaten face as I start to regain my lost consciousness. My eyelids feel heavy and weigh down on my eyes. I hear a loud buzzing noise and murmurs of voices surrounding me. Finally, my eyelids open and reveal my sea blue eyes. My body is slumped on the ground and my wrists are handcuffed to the ceiling. I feel as if I have been torn inside out. I have lost all feeling in my arms as I hang to death. I look around and my blurred vision sharpens. I see at least 50 people standing around the perimeter armed with guns and armour. In front of me stand four benches. The benches are filled with computers and some other things that I have never seen.

"Hello Captain. May I call you Steve?" Greets a masked man. His voice sounds awfully familiar though.

"If you would like to call me Steve, than it is only fair that you take off your mask and reveal your true identity." I propose. If he wants to play a game, I guess I'm his opponent.

"If you wish." He answers before tearing off the mask and revealing his noseless crimson face. "Now do you remember me, Steve?" He answers with a haunting smirk.

"Schmidt..." I say with confusion under my breath. "I thought you were dead?" I wonder.

"Greatness never dies." He replies with courage. "What greatness?" I mutter. "Why do you want me anyway?" I ask.

"SHIELD has secrets. Valuable secrets that I need. I'm hoping you might be able to help me." He sneers.

"Not on my life." I snarl. "Maybe not yours, Steven. But what about her's?" He cackles as two of his men pull out a woman. Natasha. Her fiery red hair hangs from her sweaty face. Her pitch black catsuit has been scratched badly and open wounds cover her body. Her left leg looks crippled and she has a limp.

"My beautiful Natasha, what have they done to you?" I ask her with a calm voice.

"Don't worry about me Steve, don't tell them anything and save yourself." She begs. "But I-" I said interrupted.

"That's enough boys. Bring me the weapons." Commands Schmidt. A tiny man with a grey beard walks in with a trolley full of all kinds of weapons; whips, guns, knives, tasers, everything. "Mrs. Romanoff didn't give me the things I wanted, let's see if she will help me get them from you." He threatened with a menacing grin.

"I'm not even married yet you bastard." Whispered Natasha. Confusingly, I made an attempt to ask him what he meant until he tasered me. "Ahhhhhhhhh!" I screamed as the painful electricity shot through my body. I didn't get any relief though because straight away, I felt a whip crack against my back. Crack! Crack! Crack! The searing undeniable pain is evident on my face.

"No! Don't hurt him! Please leave him alone!" Screams Natasha, pleading them to let me go, but they just ignore me and continuously punch and kick me for 5 minutes, but it feels like forever. Even though I have the serum, it still hurts like hell. Teasingly, Schmidt walks towards me and slaps me across the face.

"So are you going to tell me what I want to hear?" I look at Natasha and the tears roll down her face as she shakes her head telling me not to tell them. "TELL ME WHAT SHIELD PLANS TO DO WITH THE TESSERACT!" Screams Schmidt.

"Schmidt, when will you learn that in life, threatening doesn't get you anywhere?" I counter.

"It's The Red Skull to you." He says before turning around and screaming, "Aufrechterhalten!" to the soldiers. They whip me, cut me and beat me, but it does not even hurt as much as the pain of seeing Natasha crying and begging for them to stop. They keep torturing me for hours and hours and Natasha is still struggling to get out of her captive's arms. She is thrashing and screaming for them to stop, but even if her captive lets her go, we will both still die. I need to make sure Natasha gets out.

"So Captain," Reasons Schmidt as he wraps his hands around my neck and lifts me up, "I've been waiting far too long now. Tell me what I want to hear. I won't stop until you tell me or you die." He threatens. "I....won't...tell you." I choke.

"Fine," he says as he releases my neck and turns around leaving me hanging. "BEGINNEN!" He screams at his soldiers. I close my eyes, awaiting the striking pain, but it doesn't arrive. "AHHHH!" Screams a feminine voice. Natasha. I slowly open my eyes again and see them whipping her as she screams in pain.

"Natasha! Leave her alone! I'll say anything just leave her alone!" I beg.

"Okay! This is what I want. Now, Steve. What is SHIELD planning to do with the tesseract." He asks.

"Let go of her and unlock me first." I attempt to bargain. "Fortsetzen." He orders his soldiers. They keep torturing her as her screams fill the air.

"What are you doing?! STOP!" I furiously command, but they keep beating her. "I SAID STOP!" I scream.

"You are not the Captain in here. Just tell me what I want to know." He demands.

"I'll only tell you if you let her go." I propose. "No deal." He replies as the soldiers keep beating her. Her screams and cries fill the room. I can't take it. "I SAID STOP!" I yell, but they don't listen and keep going. "AHHHH!" I scream as I pull on the chains around my wrist.

I use all my strength and finally, I rip the pole that the chains were looped around, off the roof and free myself. The guards start shooting me, but they miraculously miss. The soldiers stop beating Natasha and turn around. Suddenly, all the soldiers are trying to kill me. My anger gets the better of me and I knock out everyone around me until there is no one left except Schmidt. He aims a laser gun at me and my eyes quickly glance at Natasha who is sitting in the corner, regaining herself. I knock the gun out of his hands and grab him by the collar.

"You can break my soul. Take my life away. Beat me, hurt me, kill me. But for the love of God, don't touch her!" I spit before punching him and knocking him out. I turn around and walk towards Natasha.

"You ok?" I asked her, "Where does it hurt?"

"Everywhere. You didn't have to do that Steve. You shouldn't have done that. You should've ran away and left me behind." She replies with a weak voice.

"I would never have forgiven myself if I let you die." I said. "I'll never leave you."

"Steve, I adore you. Don't always hurt yourself because of me though. I can take care of myself." She confesses.

"Nat, I adore you too." I admit. "I've always loved you. I'll always be there for you and I will keep being there for you until the day I die. 'Cause I'm with you till the end of the line."

TRANSLATIONS (please know that I don't actually speak German and that I got this off Google Translate):
aufrechterhalten- keep going
beginnen- commence
fortsetzen- continue

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