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As I walked to school the next day, it looked as if a storm were on it's way. This isn't uncommon so I thought nothing of it. Obviously I should've because I'm bringing this up.

I arrived to school. Talked to Luke, still no Tyler. I sat down at my desk and the teacher began to talk. Just as we were about to start the lesson, the tornado sirens went off. Luke pulls me to the side,

"Something weird is going on. Not for sure but this storm may be supernatural. Don't play hero and get out of here." He says. Everyone gets to the tornado shelter down the road. But I was trying to find Luke and Sage to tell them about the creep in the window. That's  when the intercom came on. 

"This storm is bad," The principal starts, "Everyone, including Honor Club members, evacuate. " 

So, I was not informed by the fact that Honor Club students get summoned to a safe house across town. So I  was alone in the school. I ran to the door, it was locked. I tried busting it down, but nothing happened. Not even a scratch. That's when I heard footsteps in the hall. 

I didn't know who they belonged to, so I ran to the office and hid, maybe I'd see who it was. 

I hid in a cabinet with the door opened just enough so I could see. 

After an hour of hiding, I closed the door and hid in the dark, that's when I heard crackling of fire.  I opened the door and saw that the back of the office was on fire. Crap. I ran to the gym, which I never thought would be a place of safety. 

I hid under the bleachers, I thought maybe after a bit I could run and try the door again. 

After another 2 hours, nothing happened so it seemed safe, I crawled out from the bleachers and ran to the door, I pulled but nothing happened. I kept trying then behind me, I felt the presence of someone, then I heard the sound of metal scratching against the floor, I turned around and saw a man in a black robe with a sif. 

"Ballocks." I muttered, and ran for my life. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2015 ⏰

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