The Sleepover

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"Okay, Y/N, truth or dare?" Cassie asked you excitedly. You hesitated, but chose dare.

"I dare you to...egg my neighbor's house!" She exclaimed, clapping her hands. "He's  been a real jerk to my kids lately."

"What?!" You questioned.

"Come on." She nudged you lightly. "It's your last chance to be immature..I'm pretty sure you're going to be pregnant soon."

You blushed. "Not true!...Alright let's do it."

Everybody cheered, standing up and high-fiving you. Cassie got the eggs from the fridge and handed them to you.

"Now, make sure to-"

"Be quiet?" You interrupted her.

"-Show no mercy." She grinned evilly as she opened the door to let everybody out.

The ladies crowded around you as you stood in front of the house in the driveway. He wasn't there.

"I'll keep lookout." P/F/N said, walking to the edge of the sidewalk.

You sighed and threw an egg at the window. Smiling, you threw another one. This was fun!

Eventually, everyone joined in. You threw eggs for about 15 minutes until P/F/N saw him, and you made a run for it.

"That was so fun!" One of the volunteers from the Animal Shelter laughed. You chuckled. "Now, D/F/N, it's your turn."

"Hmm? Oh, right!" She looked around the circle. "Let's see....Y/N! Truth or Dare?"

"Dare! Bring it on!"

"I dare you to let us give you a makeover!"

Your eyes widened. "Oh no..This is going to be disastrous."

She smiled innocently. "We would never do such a thing...right ladies?"

They nodded in agreement.

She turned to Cassie. "Where's your makeup kit?"

"I'll go get it. In the meantime, wash off her face." Cassie stood up and jogged to her bathroom.

The volunteer from the animal shelter, Sarah, reached into her bag and got the makeup remover. D/F/N helped her to wash your face.

"There!" Sarah smiled at her work.

Cassie came back with a backpack full of mascara, lipstick, eyeshadow, eyeliner, and blush.

"I'm screwed." You facepalmed.


"Stay still, Y/N!" One of the bridesmaids scolded.

"That's kind of hard with 6 other people poking and prodding at my face!" You retorted.

"Okay...just one more coat of blush and...done!" Sarah said. You blinked as everyone else giggled and muffled laughter.

"Well? Give me a mirror!" You urged.

They gave you a hand mirror, still quietly giggling.

You nearly screamed.

"I..look..." You didn't finish your sentence because you passed out.

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