I'm such. A. Slut. I really need to figure out whether Pheonix and I are a thing or not. You know what no! He needs to man up and ask me to be his girlfriend or to go steady, whatever the hell he wants, I just need to know we're a thing.

The walk was quiet until Xander started a conversation about banana's with me and then Aria joined in mentioning about how people slip on them then everyone else joined in when it turned into an argument about where they come from and why monkey's are stereotyped to always be eating them. Way to go Xander, he's like a guy version of Aria. I like it.

During the walk when Addy was in the back talking to Neal and Casper, Aria snuck up next to me and said "They all know Addy doesn't know about any of the stuff" she said quietly, so that way Addy couldn't hear since it didn't matter if everyone else did.

"Hey, bitch?" she asked, making me look over to her with a questioning look before continuing with "She's not stealing you from me right?"

I rolled my eyes at her and said "Of course not, bitch. Casper's not taking you away from me right?" I asked, glancing back at him, knowing he could hear me.

She knew too but didn't care, our friendship was strong and he knows that. He know's we're a package deal. Which is why I know it didn't affect him when she said "Hell no, bitch. No guy will ever replace you" she said, taking my pinkie in hers.

That's how we walked the rest of the way, and Addy didn't mind because she was busying herself with the Anderson brothers and Neal. Although I did notice Blaze paying a bit of attention to Jade when he thought no one was looking.

Soon enough Aria and I were laughing and pushing each other back and forth on the trail to see who would lose their balance the fastest. Before we could get too into the game though, we reached the clearing. We still had a way's to walk we were just out of the wood trail now.

At some point I got bored so I ended up punching Aria lightly on the shoulder, making her lose her balance and go into the tree's and glare at me. I just broke into a fit of laughter and ended up doubling over to laugh, stopping the group that was following us. People were not happy about that.

Aria ran at me, tackling me to the ground with her on top straddling me. I bet a lot of people think we're lesbians by the way we act. Got a lot of those question's when we were in high school too but no, we're just that close.

"Ahhh I need an adult! I need an adult!" I yelled, pushing her off of me and scooting away from her.

That's when I saw it, her hand was bleeding, most likely from having to stop herself from hitting the tree, but making my eyes go wide and look back at the group of vampire's and hybrids watching our scene.

Casper was quick though, appearing at her side in an instant, helping her off the ground then pricking his thumb with one of his fangs and running it along the cut to heal it up. Except he did it at his vampire speed and smoothly played it out as helping his girlfriend off the ground and holding her hand.

Okay, no more rough housing with Aria. 

Soon enough I was being lifted off from my spot on the ground and into a warm chest with a hand on my waist. I looked up to see Pheonix standing over me with a worried look on his face but before he could say anything, we had started moving again.

After walking for about five minutes, my head started to hurt and I closed my eyes and started to rub it while grumbling about a sugar low then kicking Casper in the butt, making him glance back at me saying "Lynn, that cake wasn't yours to begin with" oh. He must have heard my grumbling.

"Yeah but now my head hurts. And besides you didn't label it so how the hell was I supposed to know! You don't even have to eat!" I whined, yelling the end before I could stop myself and clapping my hands over my mouth right after it came out.

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