Chapter 2

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What did I just hear.  

Did those words just come out of NIALL HORAN's mouth. 




Apparently I must have looked a little woozy, because Niall puts his hand on my back, as if to steady me. 

"Sammy...are you okay? Do you understand what...what I just said?" 

"...y- yes Niall." 

"So.... umm.." 


" forget it. Forget I said that. It's fine. I'll leave." He stands up and starts grabbing his things to go. 

"No! Niall..!" But it's too late. He's practically out the door.  

Ugh. Are you serious. 

Sammy. Couldn't you have said something else, ANYTHING, to make him stay? 

Sammy, what have you done. 

I moan and fall back in my bed. 

But I notice something on my pillow. Something crinkly.  

I pick it up. 

It's a note. From Niall. 

It reads: 

"Dear Sammy, if you need me, im staying in the same building for a while. Room 518. Here's my number if you use it. :567-216-8970 " 

{Note from author: FAKE NUMBER} 

Oh. My. God. 

I still have a chance. 

I didn't completely blow it. 

Slowly I pick up my cell phone and dial the number.  

He picks up. 

What do I say? Im freaking out. 

"Hello?" I hear from the other end of the phone. 

"Umm is anyone there?"  

"Oh...yes..hi Niall, it's" 

" called." 

"Niall, of COURSE I called." Did I emphasize the 'course' too much?  

"Oh. I thought that.. after what I said.." 

"Niall don't worry. I know. You don't have to worry... I'm not sure how I feel, I mean, I love you, but I barely know you. But you don't have to worry about it. I wont let it come between the fact that I just met my freaking idol! Well, one of them." 

"Oh. I guess we could have dinner tomorrow, then? As friends, I mean." 

"Okay Niall! That would be great." There are no words to describe how excited I am. Omg.  

"Aye, that's great. See you tomorrow, then?" 

"Tomorrow. " 

I hang up. 

I just made a date with Niall Horan. 

And he loves me. 


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