It was home.

I can't remember anyplace else living and growing up in. But I was told that before I was four, my parents and I lived in a small cottage not far away from here. I have no memories of it at all.

As I walk there in the palace grounds, I can't help but remember the time when Athan and I would play all afternoon here. Chasing or hiding from each other. I even got lost one time when I was eight in the tall hedges labyrinth. Of course, Athan found me after two hours of screaming and crying. I never went in there again ever since.

Athan. Athan. Athan.

I repeated his name like a chant in my head.

He left for college and when he went home for vacation, that seems to be it for the two of us. 'It' being over. I knew he would meet a lot of people and would want to explore things but I thought he could do it with me. But when I felt him distancing himself from me that summer, I was shattered. Something changed. Everything changed.

"Are you alright?" I asked him one time.

"Yes. Why wouldn't I be?" he replied, looking somewhat annoyed.

"I don't know but you're acting weirdly."

"I'm fine and I'm not acting weirdly, Gaia. This is how I am." He said a little too forcefully.

I wanted to tell him that's not how he is but decided against it. Instead, I asked him to tell me about college.

"It's fun."

"That's it?" I could feel my temper rising.

He settled his gaze on me and maybe he saw the anger in my eyes so he smiled in apology. "It's exciting and tiring. I know I don't make sense but..." he paused, looking for words. "I can't explain it. You have to be there to get me."

A little salt for my wounds.

"Well, I can't be there now, can I? I am nothing but a palace servant. How could I possibly study college in England?" I stood up from the ground, under our favorite tree, and walked away.

Athan ran after me and wrapped his strong arms around me from behind. "I'm sorry, sweetheart. That's not what I meant."

When I refused to answer, he turned me around so that we were facing each other. We stared at each other until I couldn't stand anymore and spoke.

"I know you don't mean to insult me," He winced at my words. "But in a way, you did. Athan, I was asking you how your life was in London and I wanted to know. That's the least you could give me! I haven't seen you in a year and I missed you so much but I feel as if you don't care about me anymore."

I was starting to cry now and he hugged me tighter to him. "That's not true!" he protested.

"Even if we're t-together, I-I-I feel as if you're m-miles away." I paused to catch my breath. "Y-your mind is preoccupied and...and you j-j-just don't pay attention any-anymore!"

We stood there saying nothing. Athan's arms were still around me but he waited until I finally composed myself to say, "Gaia, I'm sorry. I care about you. Don't ever doubt that."

Care, not love, my mind noted. Athan didn't offer anymore explanation and soon, we went back to the palace and went our separate ways.

Until we lost each other.


"Penny for your thoughts, little lady."

I looked up and saw Ciro grinning down at me.

"What were you daydreaming about, Little Gaia?" He continued to smile foolishly. "Care to tell, Old Ciro?"

I returned his smile. "I was thinking about the strawberries Fia asked me to collect from you. And you're not old, Ciro."

Ciro is a tall, dark and intimidating. He's got wide shoulders, large muscles and dark eyes. His position as head of security at the palace fits him perfectly. Although only in his late thirties, he likes to joke about old age.

We walked towards the four-wheel drive for the servants. From there, Ciro took out a box of fresh strawberries. "Do you know that I feel old today? I also feel frail." He put on a funny expression. "But I shall still carry this box for you. I am a gentleman."

I laughed. "Maybe you should get a wife, you know. Fia says a man needs a woman to sustain his energy."

Ciro looked uncomfortable for a minute which caused me to laugh harder because with his big frame, you would never imagine a man like him feeling discomfort.

"You should not listen to what Fia says. It's not good for you."

"Oh, but I think it is!" I walked happily by Ciro's side, looping my arm through his, forgetting my past thoughts about Athan. "Fia has taught me a lot about almost everything. I now know how to cook, to keep the living quarters clean, what kind of fish and meat to buy in the market and how to keep away unwanted men."

Ciro turned his face. "More boys harassing you? I could warn them off."

I chuckled again. "You would do more than warning them off, Ciro."

He nodded. "You are beautiful, Gaia, and it is only natural for men to try their lucks on you."

"Well, I certainly do not need them! I already had one..." I caught myself and stopped. Ciro just nodded. I know he knows what I was about to say. He does because he used to come to Athan and I's outings. I cleared my throat to ease some tension from the air. "I'm totally over it."

"That's good."

"I don't care anymore."


"It's in the past."

"It is, Little Gaia."

"It's good, right?"


A little awkward pause.

"You should marry Laura!" I blurted out.

"WHAT?!" Ciro almost dropped the box.

Laura is Athan's sister, Princess Tamara's personal assistant. The Englishwoman has been employed six years ago and proved to be a great and loyal employee. She was also beautiful, only twenty-nine, and kind.

"It makes perfect sense." I insisted.

I noticed two red spots on Ciro's dark skin. "No, it does not."

"Yes, it does, Ciro! She's beautiful and you're handsome in your own way," I joked. "And you are both unattached, or I assume you both are. You two work for the royal family and both young enough to have babies!" I squealed with delight at the thought. "I could be your baby's godmother! But first, I have to be part of the wedding!"

"And who is getting married?" a deep, familiar voice asked from behind us.

Before I turned I already knew who would be standing there.

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