Chapter 1, how it all started

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Night woke up early this morning and looked at his sister, Holly was still asleep and was snoring loudly. Now it was only them in the burrow their mother had died 2 months ago and their father never wanted to talk to them, also he had a new partner.
Holly woke up irritated "can you stop staring at me, I try to sleep!" He couldn't stop his own laughter when he looked at her, she had mud all over her face "come on let's go up and see if the other rabbits are awake" he said "okey Holly said.
All rabbit families had their own burrow on the big moorland and once a rabbit get a partner the dig a new burrow.
When they finally came up Night stayed and just breathed in the fresh air, but Holly wasn't that calm and said " hurry up! Your put is in my face" she was gathering all her power and pushed Night with her head so he flew up from the tunnel and Holly was laughing so she barely could breathe "what's the weather today? It will rain rabbits" "oh I will give you what you deserve! " Night kicked his strong hindlegs so dust came flying all over Holly, Holly dramatic fell on the ground "this is the end" she said with laughter in her voice. "Can you guys be quite", Petal came out from the burrow where she took care of rabbits who where hurt or sick. Her daughter Leaf came after her with horror in her gaze, " we have a very sick cat in here who got biten by a rat.
'Leaf pls go and play with this other's I don't want you to get sick" she said with a warm tone.

I want to thank my cute little rabbit Sigge for being model for all my pictures

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