"We haven't even had sex yet! I don't have to explain anything to you. I'm leaving, come if you want, I don't care."

He threw the boxes on the ground and I flinched a little. The woman looked at me, this death glare that scared me so much that I looked away. I saw her feet walk closer to me and then she grabbed my wrist. Her beady eyes looked up at me and I tried not to shake as she stared at me.

"You are worth nothing and you don't deserve my son."

"I know that. But I love him, he's wonderful and he makes me happier then anything else on this planet. And for some reason he wanted to be mine."

She let go of my hand and stepped back. She was shaking now, looking back and forth between us. Chris watched her quietly, probably thinking about how to deal with her. She fell on the floor and started wailing. I took a deep breath and looked away, this was too much for me. I was sweating and shaking, how does Chris deal with this?

I looked up to find him carrying her into the living room. I shut the door behind me and sat on the bed trying to calm down while he consoled her. A few minutes later I had gathered myself together and started helping Chris pack. I put his clothes away neatly and opened more boxes. He came back in and shut the door behind him. He looked tired already.

"What happened?"

"She's in her room. Probably getting her drugs. We need to hurry this up, I'll just grab what I need and we'll leave."

"What about your mom?"

"She will have to fend for herself."

I stopped him, holding his arm. "Chris. She is your only family. She may win the award for worst mother of the century, but at least she was a mom. She managed to make you into an amazing guy-"

He scoffed. "That wasn't her doing, other people straightened me out."

"Maybe. But, she is an example. An example of what not to do, but an example nonetheless. Don't just throw her out like trash. She needs you."

"What am I supposed to do with her Sam?" He yelled.

I tried to remain calm, but this is when he scared me. When his jaw clenched and his hands balled into fists. He ran his hands through his hair and let out a long sigh.

"Sam, I'm so tired. I have spent almost my entire life trying to keep this woman together, I don't want to deal with her anymore!"

I stepped closer to him, I grabbed his hands. I tried to sooth him as I spoke, "I know and I'm not asking you to take care of her. Let's just get her into a facility where they can make her better."

"Sam I don't have money for that."

I bit my lip. He is going to hate what I'm about to say. "Well I can pay for it."

"Absolutely not." He moved around me and began packing again.

"Chris don't be stupid. Your mom needs serious help, forget your pride and let her get some help!"

He spun around. "This is not about my pride!"

I crossed my arms. "It isn't? Then why can't you accept help from anyone? Why is that so hard to do!"

"Because you and your people think you can just waltz into my life and take over and call it charity! I don't want to owe you anything. My mom is a lost cause! Let it go!"

"I'm not doing this with strings. I'm doing this because I love you and want her better so you can relax!"

"I don't need your pity." He sneered.

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