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Spinning on my heel I turn and storm through the market. I don't care if I am being rude as I shoulder through people, I just want to find Erin and Brenna. It is just as I am passing the dining hall that I bump into them.


"Are you interested in some more drinking?"

The two glance at each, grinning devilishly, before Erin replies, "When are we not?" I haven't been to the bar before, so the route there is a new one. When we enter I am encompassed by the smell of liquor, sweat and smoke. The room is hazy, lit by dozens of candles dripping from table and crevasses. The room is quite long, but with a low ceiling, and a bar runs across one wall. Tables and stools are packed into every spare space, while leaving just enough room for the bar maidens to manoeuvre with trays of drinks. I am guided to a small table in the far left corner, and I take a seat at a stool, my face already flushed from the heat produced by so many bodies.

"So, what do you want?" Brenna asks as soon as we're seated.

"Um, I don't know, I've never drank before," I reply in embarrassment.

Erin raises an eyebrow, "Never?" I shake my head, and her expression morphs into a grin of pure evil. "Fantastic." A maiden comes over to ask what we want, and she orders for all of us, asking for something I couldn't hope to pronounce. The smoke is thick, and I try not to cough my lungs out as a cloud of sweet smoke tries to suffocate me.

"Oh my God, what is that?" I gasp, eyes watering as I hack and choke.

"Ganja," Brenna laughs, "you will get used to the smell, I am sure you will even come to like it."

"Ganja?" I repeat, frowning.

"Marijuana, pot, weed," she shrugs, "there are plenty of names for it, it comes from the hemp plant."

"Oh," I cough again, now knowing exactly what is was. Drugs, bad drugs, illegal drugs. I try to take in smaller sips of air, but it makes me dizzier than the smoke. Just as I am revising my rash decision, our drinks arrive in small, hand carved cups. I take one, and sniff it suspiciously.

"Just drink it," Brenna laughs, "all in one go, like this," to demonstrate, she tips the cup up at her lips and gulps it down. She slams her cup down and nods at me to give it a go. After a moment's hesitation I do as she said, pouring it all into my mouth in one go. I cough and almost spit it all out as soon as it hits the back of my throat, but I manage to force it down.

"What...was...that?" I croak, clutching my throat as it burns, my nose and eyes on fire.

"In English," Erin replies, sharing an amused glance with Brenna, "it is called 'Dragon's breath.'"

I cough again, grimacing, "I can believe that," I manage, and they laugh.

"Do not worry, that was the strongest, now all others will be water by comparison."

"You gave me the strongest alcohol you have for my first ever drink?" I gasp, my throat dry.

"Now you will be able to drink easy," Brenna promises, waving a maiden over for another order. This time when we get them, I don't hesitate to down it. This one is sweeter, and much milder compared to the first. It goes on like this for the next dozen, and I don't feel a thing.

"...I told him the consequences of being unfaithful," Erin laughs, "and he paid no mind. Oh well, now he will not get the chance, no woman would lie with him now. Well," she pauses thoughtfully, "they could try."

"I don't understand," I say as the conversation lulls between drinks, "I thought alcohol was intoxicating, but I feel fine, in fact, I feel even more alert."

A Splatter of Other #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now