_DreamCrafter_ vs. ColinKc_Royals

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(Epic Rap Battles of MHB!)

(ColinKc_Royals vs_DreamCrafter_!)


ColinKc_Royals : Dream crafter ya good but an Amateur plain to see. This rookie made the biggest blunder rhyming against me. I don't take amateurs so feel the cold of my fury.Heres an Example kid my rhymes are an avalanche so fall ya little snow flury.Ill run ya over with a diss, like I was Todd gurly.You are a Joke that doesn't know what shes dealing with. Yo verse can't penetrate these walls, I rule ya with an iron fist.lets see if you can dodge this with a juke, we both know well ya past victorys were a fluke.getting a win over me on your part would be a sin, I'll give ya a hint dreamy, lay down go to sleep and dream of getting this win.

_DreamCrafter_: You say I'm an amateur, but look at your verse. I'm clearly better, though you started first. I've got natural flow, no need to rehearse, so I'll come at you straight up and put you at your worst. I'm unstoppable, you don't know what I can do. I'm better than good, and you know that it's true. I'm a girl on a mission, putting your rhymes to shame. Spit rhymes like fire, and engulf you in flames. You say I can't penetrate your walls, well look at it this way. I don't need anything to protect me in the first place! I'm a fighter, a hunter, the best at this game. The beast inside me's impossible to tame! I'll rip you apart slowly, you're as good as done. So if you know what's good for you you'll pack your crap and run. 

ColinKc_Royals: Ya think ya can win little girl I'm out of your league. Rhymes spread like an epidemic and K.o ya with fatigue.I have to admit you came up luck with Zhoa fei. Listen here I'm the new predator and guess what your the prey.this is a rap battle so I ask why ya singing a song. If your a beast and the prey you got the food chain wrong. Stop lying your not the best , well at least not long.your not the biggest and the baddest anymore ms. King Kong.cause Colin just beat a dreamy queen and ready to take the next fool on.

_DreamCrafter_:_DreamCrafter_: Am I the prey? Well I'm fighting back. You think you can make me slip by tryna get me off track. You just started rapping, and you think you can rule? Better step back, buddy, I'm rockin you old school. You're not a predator, nah you can't say you are. You thinkin you're all that but you're takin it too far. I'm the goddess of rap, the almighty queen. I'm an experienced fighter and I reign supreme. Your empty threats don't scare me, you can't carry them out. Winning raps since day one, that's what I'm all about. Don't care that you're new, I'm not going easy. I'll teach you a lesson for trying to best me! Your cool act is falling apart at the seams. And it's all cuz you lost to the crafter of dreams! 

iluvrainbowdash: If you think that you guys are such big shots than bring more than what you've got. I have to say I'm pretty disappointed, you guys will be the ones losing all your followers. You won't be able to do anything because you've lost all your dollars. Oh, are you sad because you're losing all your colours? Maybe I should get you some more flowers. I'm not done yet because this is what you get. Why would you challenge me when we haven't even met. Not a wise idea but you could've done better. Lucky you didn't get soaked or you would've gotten wet.

(Who won?

   Who's next?

    You decide!)

(Epic Rap Battles of MHB!)

_DreamCrafter_ vs. ColinKc_RoyalsWhere stories live. Discover now