2. Relieved

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I woke up to birds chirping outside my window. I smiled brightly and hopped out of bed after stretching, hitting up my closet. Inside was multiple beautiful dresses my father had tailors make for me.

"Only the best for my little girl," he had said when he showed me the renovated closet. He had also kissed my cheek as a way of goodbye to allow me to explore the rest of the house.

I smiled at the memory and dug below the dresses for my favorite pair of black denim shorts. I grabbed them and headed to the bathroom to shower. After the refreshing shower, I slipped on my undergarments and pulled on my shorts. I also threw on a plaid top with lace shoulders, and my hamsas choker. After that, I slipped on my red converse.

Where I was headed, nobody would have known that I lived in the lakeside house on the far part of town. No, nobody in the center of town would have guessed that the bubbly child who always wore a dress would be the teenaged girl who dressed in denim shorts and Converse.

Of course, I wouldn't know my schedule was fated to match up with the one and only Harry Hart's. No, I, Clarissa Waters, was more aware of how to sneak out of the house without Dad waking up than my fated plans for the day.

And so, just like my surname, I snuck out of the house like a silent body of water flowing calmly down a riverbed. It was quick and easy, and not only that, but I had managed to nab my father's wallet while I was at it. Today was definitely going to be fun.

With that thought in mind, I skipped into town, happily prepared for wherever the winds of chance would take me today.


I entered the tea shoppe, ordering a cuppa and taking a window seat by myself. I sipped the drink and read the pamphlets that were left on the table. It wasn't until a group of rowdy teenage boys walked inside that my peace was disturbed.

They knew this was my hang out space. My space for peace and quiet away from home. And they infiltrated it.

I continued to drink as they stood in the aisle, mocking me and laughing. When I had finished, I tipped the waitress, and started walking towards the door. The group of boys followed me.

"Let's finish this outside, yeah?" I smirked, barely looking over my shoulder to even glance at the boys trailing behind me. I heard them laughing and exit the shoppe as well. I walked down the street a bit until we reached the corner. That was when one of them wrapped their arms around my waist and pulled me to their chest, whispering in my ear.

I had grown up with these boys in elementary school, so it wasn't like I didn't know them; I did. I just wasn't a fan of theirs.

"C'mon darling, why don't I take you out to dinner tonight? I'm sure I could treat you right," the one holding me smirked as he tried to nibble on my earlobe. I grimaced and pushed him off me.

"Josh, no. Seriously, not now, not ever." I glared at the boy.

"Aw, c'mon babe. What's just one night with me?" Josh asked, gesturing to himself, arms wide, and his ever present smirk on his stupid smug little face.

"A night of hell. And besides, the lamppost beside you would treat any girl better than you ever could. It also has more uses in it's life," I smirked, a hand on my hip.

"C'mon Josh! Stop standing around! Just grab her and go!" One of the group members yelled. His other friends cheered him on.

I rolled my eyes as Josh advanced towards me, burning under pressure. The first thing I did was grabbed his balls and squeezed them- hard. I then punched him, breaking his nose and gave the final blow, yet again injuring him where the sun does not shine- I kicked him in the crotch.

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