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This might bring up sad emotions so sorry. If you don't want to cry or fell sad skip to the end I will put a conclusion. Thanks


Kat ******

No, no, this could have not happen why, oh why. I should have watched out. I knew he would do this.

"Hi, room 206 B please"

"Yes right this way" We get there and I see My mom in tear.

"Mom what happened?"

"He left a note and I was to late. I should have gotten you to watch him"

"Mom, its not your fault."

"Yes it is Kat. I never thought he was going to do this again"

"How long"

"Not sure but I found him three hours ago"

"Oh god. I thought he, I mean he. Danm it I cant believe he would do that he promised"

"Its okay calm down"

We sat in the waiting room to find out news. Its been five hours and nobody came to get us. "Is he going to you know?"

"Its to hard to tell" Just then a nurse came in.

"Hi is Julie here?"

"That's me"

"Can we speak privately?"


"What no, I deserve to here everything he is my brother. Don't you dare keep things from me"

"Kat sit down I will get you if I need to"

"You know this is why he self harmed him self because you ARE A-"

"KAT not here"

"What ever"

Cry ******

God I feel horrible. No she brought this on to her.

"Cry lets hit the bars yea"

"You know it man"

Kat ******

I'm calling Cry I feel so bad

"Hey Cry" "Um I need to talk" "Where are you" "Oh um never mind" "Its my brother" "At the hospital room 206 B" "Okay bye"

Cry ******

"So are you single?"

"No I have a. One sec its my girl" Hey" "What's wrong" "At a bar with Sawyer" "What's wrong you sound like you've been crying" "Where are you" I'll be right there"

"Dude where are you going"

"Its Kat brother I have to go" Oh my god I hope he is okay. I mean what if he passed away? Then I have to put up with her all depressed. But I would do any thing for her.

* At the Hospital *

"Kat? Oh god come here"

"Cry. I, I don't know what to do"

"I'm here and I am always going to be here"

"I am sorry about today"

"Me to please take me back"



"Mom, what did they say?"

"I though he just cut but he also took pills"

"Will he be alright?"

"Kat I am so sorry"


"He's, he's gone"

"No, no. He promised he would stay he said he was better"

"Kat I am so-"

"This is all your fault you did this. You were never my mom. You always got drunk and that's why he did it I hate you. Never talk to me again"

"Kat I am sorry honey please"

"Ms. White I think you should go"


"I am sorry Kat"

"He's gone Cry. He's not here anymore"

"Lets say good bye okay?"



I hope you like the conclusion is that Kat's brother committed suicide and she and her mom got in a fight and then she had to say good bye with Cry. Please fav this if you injoyed it

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