Last Straw...Get Your Act Together

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"How Dare You Sam!" My mother yelled at me once we were home," I gave you one more chance and you blew it! I have no choice!"

I sat bored on the sofa, listening to my mum moan on. She always gave me this speech, about how I have disappointed her and the family. How I was trouble from the start blah blah blah. She really not a bad person she just gets really... Stressy.

I wasn't even listening to her, instead I was singing 'high school never ends' by Bowling for soup in my head.

"I've contacted the boarding school Sam! I am serious this time!" She said.

I stopped and listened. She seemed really mad this time," Mum it wasn't my fault. He was being an idiot!" I said, defending myself.

"Everyones an idiot in your eyes Sam!" She yelled. I rolled my 'idiot detecting' eyes .

"I'm sending you away! The boarding school in Russia is the best hope for you. They are strict enough to straighten you out!" She said. My head shot up in surprise.

"WHAT!" I yelled shocked. No way, this was not happening. She always threatened about it but it was scary.

"You've gone to far Samantha." My mother was calming down and was now in her determined role, "I'll phone them up; the headmaster owes your father a favor. I'll book the flights tonight and you can be there for tomorrow-"

I butted in worried," Mum, no! No it was an accident! It wont happen-" She cut in as I ranted on.

"Sam" She said sighing," I don't know what to do...Sam.." She said, her eyes filling up. I know its an act. She is an actress after all. She doesn't care if I don't want to go, she just wants to get me away from my friends.

"Mum, please! One more chance. That's all I ask! i'll really try!" I said. Trying to sound like I meant it.

"Sam. Is that true?" My dad asked. Which surprised me. He hardly ever speaks.

"Yes! i'll...i'll join a club! i'll try harder with my grades! just please don't send me to Russia! I don't even speak Russianness!" I said quickly, panicking.

"They speak Russian in Russia." My mother said, a small smile on her face.

"Whatever! Please just one more chance!" I begged, doing puppy dog eyes," Pwetty pweeeeze!"

There was a minute of silence as my mother thought it over. Then she spoke,

"One more chance." I jumped for joy and whooped, "But I want to see progress. You can start by actually turning up to the detention the headmistress has given you tomorrow night, every night for two weeks. Also by tomorrow I want you to have joined a club." She said.

I was so happy I didn't care what the terms were. I didn't want to leave my friends, my family behind. I don't think I could make it through the day without having a laugh with Brody or gossiping with Chrissy.

"But I really do mean it this time! One more fight and your gone Sam, ok?" Mum said. I could tell she meant it. My stomachs was telling me that I'd come too close this time to pushing my mother over the edge.

I tackled her and dad with a hug chorusing how thankful I was and how I wouldn't let them down before running up the stairs. OK, I have to work all of this out...but first I need to talk to Brody.

Although Chrissy was my best friend, I was closer to Brody. Chrissy would get upset and overwhelmed very easily and if I told her about this..she would probably break down and cry.

So I dialled in Brody's number and waited for him to answer.


"I cant believe they gave you a second chance!" Brody laughed.

"More like twentieth chance."I laughed.

"You're one lucky, lucky git Sam. My parents would have sent me away months ago" He said," I've got to go. my parents want me to finish my homework."

"Bye!" I said.

I hung up and thought that maybe I should do some homework. I haven't done homework in...a year??

I got out my latest English essay and began writing.

Two hours later and I was so bored. How do people do this? I had only written three pages and I was meant to do six.

It was getting late now and I was tired so I gave up on the home work. I could just imagine what I would say to Miss Helen, my English teacher.

'I didn't do my homework because another pupil fell in a lake and I jumped in to rescue him. Unfortunately, my homework drowned. So really I should deserve an award, not a detention?'

Just as i was about to fall asleep that stupid idiot jumped into my head. What did he have that made girls throw themselves at him? Sure he had killer abs, and gorgeous hair, and amazing brown eyes, and flawless skin. What I would do to run my fingers through his hair- WHAT ARE YOU DOING SAM!!! stop it! He almost got you sent to Russia. To live in cold, friendless, ballerina filled Russia!

I will not be lowered to the level of the bimbos in our year.

I will purely blame this lapse of thought on teenage hormones. Those little pests.

I fell asleep thinking about how much I HATE Michael Knight.


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