Chapter 5: Hell

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A/N: Hey guys! sorry for not updating for a while, a lot of stuff is on my mind. I'm going to try to update more regularly, so please bare with me. And as always, if you see any mistakes (spelling, Grammatical, or what not) please let me know in the comments. Thank you! Enjoy!

The next day I wake up to my alarm. It's Monday, uhggg. I get up and turn off my alarm before making my way to my bed again, and lay down. I plug my earphones into my kindle and start watching the new videos that the Bajancanadian and Craftbattleduty posted for the day. I had woken up around 6:00, so around 6:40 I start getting dressed and ready for school.

I grab my backpack and everything I need for school and go out into the kitchen with a minute to spare. It's 7:09. I grab my morning medication and head out the door. As I make it to the Bus Stop, I brace myself for the slaughter house that is trying to get on the bus.

I see everyone start to walk up the road, meaning the bus is coming.

'Oh JOY,' I think. Please note the sarcasm in that sentence, thank you.

As I'm pushed and shoved every which way, I somehow am able to get on the bus, and find a seat. I take out my kindle, plug in my earphones, and start listening to music. I let my music take me away and rest my head on the window. Music is my escape -- I couldn't live without it. All to soon we arrive at the school.

I walk into the school, and make my way to the gym. I spot my friend Kerri (who I met on Friday with two others) and sit next to her. Turns out we have a lot in common, like we both like country music. As we start talking, tying to past time, my mind wonders to Mitch.

'Why do I keep thinking about him,' I think. 'This isn't normal. It shouldn't be happening.'

At 7:50, they dismiss us from the gym and we all head to our lockers. Once I get to my locker, I unlock it, and put my backpack into it. I grab all the things I need for my first two periods, and head up the stairs to my Homeroom class. I see one of my new friends, Lauren, walking up the stairs.

"Hey Lauren! Wait up," I call. She stops and waits for me. Once I get to her we start heading to our Homerooms, which are right next to each other. I say goodbye and enter my Homeroom.

'Well, here goes nothing,' I think. 'Let's just hope I don't embarrass myself today.'

As I take my seat my teacher, Mr. Alleborn, starts playing the morning announcements. As always I stand up for the salute to the flag (A/N: sorry if your not from America. I am so we normally do this.) After the announcements are over we wait for the bell to ring. Once the bell rings, we all get up and start heading out the door to our other classes.

"See you later Mr. Alleborn!" I call to him.

"See you later Dubs," Is his reply.

Yes, laugh all you want. My last name is Dube (pronounced Dub-ee). I walk out the door and look down the 7th grade wall way and I spot Mitch. I smile to myself before going down the stairs and head to my 1st period class, STEM. STEM stands for: science, technology, engineering, and math. Just before I walk through the door, I say good morning to my teacher, Mr. Smith.

"Good morning, Skylar," I hear him say back.

I walk to the front of the class room and take my seat.

'And the day begins...' I think.

---------------------------------------Time Skip to the end of 7th period---------------------------------------------------

'uh,' I think. 'Only 10 more minutes.'

I start daydreaming and half listen to my teacher, Mrs. Meilziner. The bell rings in what seems like no time at all. I grab all my stuff and say,

"Have a nice day Mrs. Meilziner," before I quickly make my way to my locker. I unlock it and grab my backpack, stuffing my agenda and anything I needed for homework in it, sling it over my shoulder, and start heading for the bus platform. I spot my bus, 81, as I walk out on the bus platform. As I look at all the buses on the platform, I notice a bus called '71' was behind me. I step onto my bus and say,

"Good afternoon," to the bus driver, Mr. Bill.

Once I take a seat I text Mitch and ask him how his day was. He replies just as the buses start heading out and my music starts playing.

"Hi. and it was good."

I respond with a, "That's good." before staring out the window.

'I can't wait to get home,' I think, 'And when I get home I can text Mitch and find out what time he'll be coming over.'

----------------------------------------Time Skip to after dinner---------------------------------------------------------------

After dinner, before I go back into my room, I kiss my mother and grandfather on the cheek and thank them for dinner. Once I'm back in my room I check my phone and see a text Mitch had sent me from earlier.

"Is 1:00 to 4:30 on Saturday ok?"

I check with my mom (she said yes) and texted him back saying,

"Yeah, that works. See you then." He soon replies saying,


'This is going to be amazing,' I think to myself. 'As long as I don't do anything stupid.'

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