Part 6 - Chapter 5

Start from the beginning

It was only seconds before I heard a small noise, and peeked furtively through one eye. Justin. His head popped out of a door leading inside, and once he spotted me, began crossing the lawn to where I sat. I wondered for a second if I could close my eyes again and he wouldn't disturb me.

"Tabitha!" He called as he reached me.

I sighed, reluctantly lifting my head. "Yes?" My voice sounded bored. Good, I was bored with him.

He hopped up the step and sat down uninvited. "I just wanted to apologize for yesterday, with Meegan." He folded his hands between his knees. "I wasn't sure how to go about that, and it didn't exactly go as planned. So I'm sorry if you were upset or anything," he paused, watching my reaction.

I had no reaction, and this wasn't a discussion I desired on any level. "Justin, it doesn't really matter anymore, does it? But I'll do you the favor of letting you know you didn't upset me."

I stopped to take a sip from my glass and looked away; trying, unsuccessfully it seemed, to convey a desire to be alone.

"Uhh, good. I didn't mean to." He continued, "Meegan was pretty ticked with me though."

I glanced at him, waiting to see if he thought it was an invitation to finish the story, but hoping instead that he was already done. He felt compelled to go on.

"She thought I didn't describe you very well. She felt threatened."

That was what her reaction meant? "Threatened? By me?"

"Once she saw you...I mean, you know you're gorgeous, Tab. And Meegan,...well, she's a little insecure."

I was oddly flattered. But also a little weirded out. "I'm sorry she felt that way, and I can assure you both that she has entirely no reason to feel threatened...well, not by me, anyway."

He looked hurt. "Do you mean that, Tab?" he asked.

"Uh, yes."

"I never did feel very good about how we ended things, you know. I sometimes wonder if you ever think about me."

Though I was elated that my interest in Justin had dissipated, I wasn't positive that my resistance would hold out. I couldn't figure out his angle, and I didn't want to. "No Justin," I set down my glass and grabbed my shoes, hoping to send the message that I was not willing to continue the conversation. "I don't think of you." I stood before he could say any more and stepped to the edge of the gazebo. Justin stood just after I did and I turned around, wondering what he was doing.

"Because I think about you all the t-." He broke off, and was surprisingly close. I glimpsed up, but he was looking over my head. Half-turning in the same direction, I saw Meegan crossing the lawn toward Justin and me.
In a gazebo.

"I knew it!" She screeched, her hands fisted at her sides. Meegan wasn't looking at me, thankfully, but just in case, I held up my hands in surrender. "I knew you still had a thing for her!" She brushed past me and when I realized I wasn't the target, I stealthily replaced my shoes in case I needed to make a run for it.

They were in the center of the gazebo now. I was still on the step hoping my presence was no longer necessary.

"Sweetie," Justin said, wrapping his arms around her, "you know I don't love anyone but you." He looked over to me. "Tell her, Tab."

"What? I-... Yeah. No, I mean! Nothing happened, I just wanted to be alone, and he showed up, and-..." I stopped, not knowing really what to say and thinking perhaps I wasn't helping. Meegan pointed a bony finger at me "You just keep out of this!"

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