Chapter Twenty-Six

Start from the beginning

Eventually, Augustus turned to me and said, "I'm the top." After that I just kind of froze and it was their turn to laugh.

"Okay, okay. That was.... interesting?" Then I laughed with them.


Later that night, after I had climbed in bed with Jackson and Oliver, we had a conversation.

"I wasn't expecting that." Jackson was quite, but his voice held confidence.

"Yeah, I know what you mean." I looked over to him and kissed him on the cheek.

"I don't think I'll ever look at him the same."

Jackson and I sat up at the same time and looked at Oliver. "What's that supposed to mean?" I glared at him.

"I'm just, not really open to gays."

"Oh no you just didn't." I jumped up out of bed and stood at the end of it.

Oliver sat up and looked confused. "I just did what?"

"So are you not supportive of my brother, my twin? The other half of my brain." I raised my voice and I knew that I was waking my family up.

"I'm sorry but not really. I mean, I know he's found his mate and I have no reason to feel weird around him, I'm just not comfortable with it."

"Wow! I can't believe this. To think everything about you was perfect. I was really wrong!" By now I was screaming.

Next thing I knew, Augustus was running in with Max. I looked to them and said, "I'm sorry this horrible person," I then glared at Oliver, "is in this room. If you would excuse me, I'm going for a run. Anyone and everyone is invited, except for Oliver." I gave him one last glare before walking out of the room. I yelled back to him, "watch the kids but make sure you don't turn them homophobic too."

We all got out side and I explained to Augustus and Max what happened. I began to cry half-way threw and they said it was okay.

I engulfed them in a hug and cried a bit more. It may be their feeling that have been hurt, but it was by my mate.

"Listen, I've known for a while now that I'm gay and I chose to show it. My biggest fear was having a female mate, but I was lucky. But I got a lot of shít from other people for being what I am. I chose to ignore it because those people didn't matter to me. Only my mate matters." He stopped and turned to Augustus, smiling at him. Then he started again. "I know people are going to make a big deal about us, but I don't care, as long as we're happy, I'm happy."

"And that's all that matters." Augustus summed it up perfectly and then they kissed.


After we went for a run, we were all getting dressed at the edge of the woods. It was a great run, and no one was injured. For the first time in forever.

"So what now?" I turned around to see Oliver standing there. I could tell that he'd been crying. His face was red and puffy, his hair was crazy, and his clothes were all messed up.

I stared at for a moment in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"Are you rejecting me?" Then more tears streamed down his face.

I could feel my heart literally braking.

I stepped right in front of him and cupped his cheeks. I didn't kiss him but I also didn't say anything. We just stood there staring at each other.

Soon, I could feel people's presents leaving.

I let my hands leave Oliver's face only to have my arms wrapped around his body. After slight hesitation, he wrapped his arms around me too.

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