Chapter 13

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Twelve days, two hours, three minutes. That's how far away our last day of school is before the summer. OWLs have been going on, and Marcus, thanks to my father telling me, was failing. Father said he'd have to repeat his seventh year. Which, in a case, was good for us. He was a part, and is a part of mine and Draco's 'squad'. Draco and Pansy are currently on the same level for grades, while I'm at the same level as Edward. Although he is a year above me, my grades are just as good as his. If skipping a year was possible here, I'd be going into my Fifth Year already after summer. But instead, I'm going into my fourth.

Three days, two hours, one minute. That's how far it is from Edwards birthday. With his birthday not during any break, I had no idea what I was going to do. For almost two weeks I've been trying to decide on what and what not to do for his birthday. Also coming along with his birthday not happening during any break, his birthday was in the middle of the week. On Wednesday. Which meant I am either going to skip out on the useless Astronomy class at midnight, or have something planned at Hogsmeade this weekend.

One day, four hours, zero minutes. That is exactly how much longer we have to do OWLs for. Just about everyone I knew was ready for them to be over with. Except for Hermione and Pansy, who have also been studying as hard as I have. Although Hermione and I do not really favour one another, we've been competing with our grades. She's ahead by half a point in Astronomy class, but at the same time, she's attended every Astronomy class. While I, on the other hand, have skipped a few, and gotten there late on others. Occasionally I'll fall asleep. But it doesn't take much to gain half a point and get tied with Hermione.

Alexander Trivell is also now apart of my group. With him being a Ravenclaw, there's really no time to ever hang out. Draco, Edward and I have became a faction of sorts. We're almost always together, and when we are not, it's because we are probably sleeping. Either that or because Edward is in his classes, while Draco and myself are in our classes. Other than those few occasions, we are almost always with each other. The hardest part of this group was making sure the teachers didn't find out. There are people that you think you can trust, but you can't. It's one of the reasons I keep to myself ninety-nine percent of the time.

As I walked to the Potions classroom, I ran my hand along the wall. It's Friday, and I was going to Hogsmeade again this weekend. That is, if I don't get a detention somehow today. It was only the beginning of the day, allowing a lot of time for me to get myself a detention. As usual, I was the first one here. Walking up to my father, Professor Snape's, desk and looking at the potion he had for today, I went and retrieved ingredients. Just after I placed the ingredients across both mine and Draco's desk, he came in. The other students also flooded in after him. The Antidote to Uncommon Poisons potion has four ingredients and is fairly simple to make. The four ingredients, Fire Seeds, powdered Graphorn Horn, Billywig Stings, and Chizpurfle Carapaces are combined to create it. The potion cures things such as the bite from a "Biting Fairy" also known as a Doxy. As their bite is venomous, sort of like a venomous snake you could say.

After Potions, I picked up my books and left the classroom with Draco. Having History of Magic next, the two of us tried to walk slowly. But having been rushed through the halls by the fast moving groups of students, we arrived on time for the class. When I took my seat next to Ron, I looked at him.

"If this class gets worse next year I'm going to die" I said, making sure Professor Binns wasn't here yet.

"Honestly Tabitha, it gets worse every year. We should already be dead" Ron stated.

Professor Binns entered the classroom through the chalkboard, as he often did. There was a sudden emotionless feel to the classroom as the class began. History of Magic was almost as boring as Astronomy, and if I could, I wouldn't attend either class. With the two being core classes, I couldn't do that. Our next class, Care of Magical Creatures, was all I was looking forward to. It's an alright class, I'll admit that much. Hagrid teaches it, and honestly, since I've been having to attend his class on an almost daily basis, I've grown to think Hagrid isn't horrible. He's a good person, actually. Of course Draco can't lighten up a little to the class, but Hagrid ignores him now. After History of Magic, I went to Transfigurations, and put my stuff at my desk. Leaving with only my Monster Book of Monsters, I joined Ron, Hermione and Harry as they left the castle. For the majority of the walk to the place we met Hagrid, I stayed silent. Most likely unnoticed by the trio. There are two trios on our year. The Golden Trio - Ron, Harry, and also Hermione - and The Bronze Trio which consists of Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle. I have my own trio, but the members are either constantly dying, or I'm replacing them because k don't like them anymore. It's safer to say that instead of a trio, I've got my Death Eater group.

"I cannot believe Oliver is going to be gone after this year. Who's going to be the new captain of the Gryffindor team?" Harry asked, sounding upset.

"Maybe you'll turn up as captain" I said suddenly.

"Or I will" Ron countered.

"Maybe" Harry said, shaking his head.

On our way back to the castle, I walked with Ron. Harry and Hermione were ahead of us, walking fast.

"Percy's graduating this year" Ron said, nonchalantly.

"Bet you're happy about that" I laughed.

"Yeah - and his girlfriend is graduating too" Ron stated.

"Must be a relief for you then" I sighed.

"Is Malcolm that annoying Tabitha?" Ron laughed as we entered the school and went into the Great Hall for dinner.

"Yes, Ron! He is. He's very, very annoying. Just as more than half the people I know are" I exclaimed.

"He can't be that bad, probably about the same as Nigel" he stated, following me to the Slytherin table.

Rolling my eyes, I sat down with Ron at my end of the table. As all of us ate, we barely said a word. Occasionally I'd look up to see Harry and Hermione shaking their heads. Probably at the fact Ron was sitting with my friends and I. As I ate, I thought of the summer long party of sorts I'd be having at my manor. Many of my friends, such as Draco, Edward, Marcus, and others are to be staying at my major this summer. Once we had all gotten too full to eat any more, Draco looked in my direction.

"What's Weasel King doing here?" Draco asked, taking notice of Ron.

"He's here because he's my friend, Draco" I said firmly.

"He's your friend now?"

"He's always been a friend of mine, for your information. Just not a very close one. Ron here will also be attending my all summer party" I stated, looking over at Ron.

"You're serious about that?" Ron asked.

Nodding, I looked over at the Gryffindor table, "Fred and George too."


8 July 2015 // I had a dream about Ron Monday night. We were dating and I now cry because of that. Tbh it was a nice dream though. Too bad there wasn't a part two 😂😂👏🏽

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