Chapter 4 The Carvings

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I was back in the main cave stretching out my wings getting ready for a flight in order to clear my mind. I walked out of the cave and flapped my wings some of the trees snapped I grabbed the loose logs and flew to a near by village and gave them what they wanted out of the bunched and then continued to the next village. I flew back to the cave and dug up the roots the trees left and flew over to the villages again giving them what they wanted of the roots.

I headed back to the forest graving pine cones and oak seeds, planting them where the trees used to be at. I would have totaled off in a different section to keep the little seeds safe in the ground till they grow strong enough to break for houses.

I walked into the cave looking for Bindy she wasn't in her cave nor the main cave I walked slowly to my cave hearing a scraping on the stone. I looked in slowly and saw her looking at the carvings I walked in slowly and sat down. She wasn't spooked yet she sill has a chance to be still.

She looked at all of them slowly then walked to the last two carvings of my symbols. She traced them slowly and cocked her head. "I known these symbols but where from?" She questioned.

"From where does not matter from who those symbols mean." I spoke quietly.

She jumped startled and screeched out loud "ANNABELINDA! You scared me! Don't sneak up on me like that and what do you mean not from where but from who?" She questioned

"That is not of your concern at the time being. These carvings", I gestures at the walls, " are a history. My history but they do not explain everything for some must stay protected only in me." I walked out of the room and called back "look closely you might find something but it mainly resides on your familiarity to those two symbols they speak off who I am and what I could be if I stayed." I walked out of the tunnel, out of the cave and flew to the top of the mountain and perched there. I blew my ice fire into the air with a roar looking at the moon slowly turning to a quarter of a moon.

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