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Stella POV

"Spencer what are you doing?" I squirm under his arms

"Shhhh. Everyone's watching." he puts his finger onto my lips. What the heck is he doing?

"What are you doing Spencer?" I ask suspiciously.

"Oh nothing." he smirks.

"Righttt nothing." I say narrowing my eyebrows. Now more suspicious than before.

He takes a deep breath and say "Fine. I came here to tell you that I'm sorry for teasing you and bulling you. I feel guilty."


The Spencer Jackson, guilty for what he did.

No way.

"I don't believe you." I say, I say turning my head the other direction.

"Stella listen to me. I'm super sorry for being a asshole okay?" He says. I look at his eyes. I never notice this before but his eyes were like emerald. His eyes kinda looks cute.

Wait what!

Did I just say what I think I said.

"I know you're thinking that I'm tricking you or something, but I'm not. I really sorry for what I did. Can you ever forgive me Stella?" He said. Urg. Why did he have to look so innocent.

"You really think I can forgive you after what you did to me? You've bullied me ever since 3rd grade you dimwit. Forgiveness isn't that easy buster. And how can you be so mean all these years and just come up to and talk to me like nothing happened!!!! Go screw your self in a hole!!!" I rambled. But I wasn't finished yet.

"I'm a nerd. That's why I always have to be picked on. Nerds are teachers pet. Nerds love to study. They don't socialize alot. We love books. We wear glasses. And we're not perfect!!! Yeah, yeah, yeah. Nerds are dumbass!!" I say now tears are steaming down my face. Now everyone stop to see what was going on.

"Shhhh. You may be a nerd. But a very attractive nerd." Spencer whispers in my ear. He is so close next to me I feel his breaths on my neck. I try to push him away but he gripped onto my hips.

"Stella, you may not be perfect, but you are perfect at being who you are." he says.

"Wha-" I couldn't finish what I wanted to say. Spencer leaned in and kissed me.

Wait what?

Okay this is not happening.

Spencer Jackson kissed me.

Damn. He was a good kisser. His lips are so soft. And....

Wait what. Did I just compliment his soft lips?
Something is wrong with me.

Spencer smirked and said, "Did you like it?"

"You son of a bitch! Why did you kiss me?" Anger flared into my eyes.

"See ya later sweetie." Spencer says walking off.

"Spencer Jackson you come back here and give me an explanation?!!!?" I yelled. I am so piss of at him. Why did he kiss me? Was it a bet? A dare? Did he like me? No that can't be it. He's been bullying me for a long time. But why act nice now? And why me. As I walk to my homeroom, all these why questions were stirring around my head. I felt like throwing up.


As the teacher, Mrs. Robinson was calling attendance I was lost in my own little world.


Why did he kiss me? He's must be messing with my head.


I'm a nerd. Nerds don't usually have any romance played in life.


His soft lips felt so good and. Wait, no stop thinking about your bully's lips


Why? Why me!! Wait didn't he already have a girlfriend. Did he break up with her? Is he just a player who uses girls and then toss them away when he's done with them?


Am I one of his toys too?

"Stella? Is Stella here today?" Mrs. Robison called out again.

  "Huh?" I blurb out.  

"Stella? Stella. Stella? Please pay attention when I call your name. Miss. Stella, may I speak to you after class?"" Mrs. Robison says again.

"Sure." I say embarrassingly.

After the bell rang, all the kids made a bee line out the door. But for me I sulked up to the teachers desk.

"Miss. Stella. Sit down." said Mrs. Robison says, sweetly.

"I was just wandering if anything is going on. You seemed a bit distance, and dazed. Is everything alright?" She asks with more kindness.

"No ma'am." I say with a tight smile.

"Well if there is you can always come to me." she says.

"Okay." I say.

"Well hurry along. Don't want to be late." she says with a sigh. As I scurry toward my next block, I see someone.


He was with another girl. She was on the bench and Spencer was leaned onto a wall. They were flirting. I gripped onto my books tighter and I narrowed my eyes. How could he kiss me like that and then leave? How could he. Right when I was about to walk away I heard giggles. He leaned in and pecked her nose. Then few minutes later they start to kiss. Anger flared onto me. I ran down the hallway to my next class. As I found a empty seat these words kept repeating itself in my head constantly

He kissed someone else

He kissed someone else

He kissed someone else

Wait why am I even mad at him. I hate him. But why do I have this feeling towards him? Wait, could it be?

I, Stella Haprspring has a crush on Spencer Jackson.

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