The women had made him cocky, too. Little did he know, a sexy little Latina fly was watching him, up close and personal too. See, Mike saw a pretty face, full lips, a plump ass, and thick thighs with a feminine mound in the middle that got wet on command.

He didn't see her for the surprisingly intelligent, street wise that is, queen of the streets that she was. Sure, she stripped, but she did that for fun. While men were drooling over her delectable body, she was milking their pockets, and they didn't even know it. So, when she called, like the dog he was, Mike jumped on that juicy bone, but little did he know, it'd soon be the last one he'd get a taste of.

"Mr. Voss?" Pulled out of his thoughts by the tired looking nurse, Zay looked up into her eyes, praying to hear good news about Samantha, and that hopefully he could take her home--his home, like he'd planned in the first place.

"Yes, is she okay?" He asked, walking over to her tiny frame, trying to read her face of any uncomfort or regret.

"She's fine," he smiled, putting a hand on her shoulder and the other over his own heart in relief, that was short lived by her next sentence.

"The problem though, Ms. Parks has amnesia. Now, according to Dr. Hughes' diagnosis and tests, she should only have it temporarily, which could be days, weeks, months..." She trailed off making sure he understood, to which he nodded, his body tense as his hands rose to his temples. He rubbed them I ease some of the uneasy feelings running through him.

"How did she, though? Nothing happened..." It was his turn to trail off as he reminisced on the past hour with her. She hadn't hit her head, but...

"Well, sir, did you secure in a seatbelt on hr drive here? Or did you let her rest, lying down? She could've easily hit her head on the door, arm rest, console, anything." She elaborated, and he had laid her down. He just wanted her to relax, her baby was taken from her.

Zay could've kicked his own ass. Why hadn't he made sure she was at least secured in s seatbelt? That she was definitely okay, but she was distraught, afraid. He really wanted her to be comfortable, but she still hadn't recognized him then.

"How much does she remember?" He asked, his arms now crossed over his broad chest.

"Let's go see her," she started, ignoring his question. "She's asking for a Xavier or Mike?" He rolled his eyes at the mention of the selfish son of a bitch. He had the audacity to go see the very bitch who was plotting against him and leave his kid and 'girl' at home when he new people were after him. H could've easily sent Samntha to her apartment. She hadn't moved in, not yet.

"Sir, come on. She's this way." The nurse said, encouraging Zay to follow her down to where Samantha was. He moved through the motions, not exactly sure how he got outside of room 401, but he was there. Through the glass, he could see the T.V. propped up on the wall, though he couldn't hear any sound.

Before the nurse opened the door, she briefed Zay on what he should expect.

"Just kind of go along with whatever she's saying. She is picking up on choppy memory, on what she thinks is the present. In her mind, she thinks its 2009, so ease her into the present. Sometimes, when these things happen, patients go to a time they loved. A time of happiness." He wanted o disagree, around this time in the past, Samantha hadn't seen Mike much, but a at least heard from a lot of Zay.

"Her memory should slowly begin to return, not today of course, but when it does, you have to be aware that her feelings and mind is going to be going through a lot, keep her calm, for her health." Zay processed what she said and nodded, wanting to see for his own eyes that Samantha was okay.

Walking in the room, he saw the beautiful Samantha sitting upright in the hospital bed watching the soundless T.V. She looked over their way, hearing the door, and her eyes immediately fell on Zay, them nearly popping out of their sockets. From her memory, she had seen him only three months ago when he left for the summer to visit his family in Florida.

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