Ten minutes into the second movie and I was beginning to feel the need for attention. I looked at him, focused on the movie and zeroed in on the curve of his mouth and how his lips always seemed so perfectly pink. I was frustrated with the beanie, wanting to get my hands in his curls.

“What is with your new found obsession for this beanie?” I asked, snatching it off his head.

“No—” he protested but it was too late, the beanie was off and I was left staring with an open mouth at what was underneath. I snorted and pointed and he rolled his eyes and looked away from me.

“Is that…..are you wearing a head band?”

‘Shut up.”

“Why? Why would you do such a thing?”

“Keeps my hair back.”

“Does Lou know about this?”

“She gave it to me.”

“Oh my God, no.”

I hooked a finger in the waistline of his jeans and peeked down the side while he furrowed his brow at me. “What are you doing?”

“Making sure you’re not actually wearing gold crotchless tights too,” I teased.

He grabbed my hands and wrestled me back while I laughed and tried to fight him off. He bit my arm and I screamed and kicked my heel into his ass. He took both my wrists in one of his large hands and pinned it over my head. I was under him on the couch and my laughing quickly started to subside at my view. I loved having him over me but the playfulness in his eyes wasn’t helping matters.

“Take off the fucking head band. I can’t take you seriously right now,” I demanded, still chuckling at him. He used his free hand to snatch it off his head leaving his curls to fall in a disheveled mess in front of his face.

“You done teasing me?”

“Never,” I pushed my hips up into his and he gave me his best stern face before shoving my hips back down to the couch. “Be nice!” I pouted, wrapping my legs around his hips and pulling his weight down on me. He shook his head at me, that slight cat-like smirk on his lips. “What?” He didn’t respond, just kept shaking his head. “What? You’re not gonna be nice to me?” He closed his eyes and shook his head in bigger movements.

“Nope,” he popped the word out of his lips and I bit his neck. He yelled in his overly dramatic way that always made me bust out laughing. Clamping his hand to his neck and falling off of me to the floor, playing dead. He was a total child sometimes but it was entertaining to me because it allowed me to act the same.

I rolled off the couch and landed on his chest in a thud. Knocking the air out of him and making his body tense up and his face scrunch together.

“Oh my God, you weigh a million pounds,” he grunted. I slapped his chest and he laughed, sliding his hands into my back pockets.


He grinned at me, holding my eye contact in that unsettling way he did. Without really thinking, I ran my thumb across his eyebrow and he blinked slowly at me, his head tilting closer to my hand. I traced his jaw line with my finger, trying to imagine what he’d look like at my age. I could feel the slight burn of facial hair against my finger and I couldn’t explain how much I loved it. Proof that he really was a man, even if he was only in the beginning stages.

He watched me carefully as I watched the trail my finger took across his face. In the dip of his chin under his bottom lip, down the bridge of his nose. I pressed my thumb into his cheek where I knew his dimple was until he flexed it. Then finally, his lips. The shape of them that always begged to be kissed, sucked on, licked, bit. I touched the tips of my fingers to their pink surface. For some reason, I was completely mesmerized with him in this moment. Like I’d never really taken inventory of everything that made him so beautiful.

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