Monsters inc.

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    (Alex pov)

  Percy looks surprised, he looks at me and then at dad.  "You have a kid", Percy asks. dad nods, "You two will lead the army. you can choose who will be in it tomorrow, for now get some sleep", dad says. "come on Percy I can show you where you can stay", I say and lead him to  a room close to mine.

     (next day)

  Percy and I are sitting in an office deciding who will in the army, they can be dead or alive. Percy and I hung out last night and he's really cool. "I want Zoe Nightshade, Bianca Di Angelo, Luke Castalin, Lee Fletcher, Castor, Beckendorf,  Micheal yew, silena Beauregard, and Ethan Nakemura", Percy says. "okay", I say. I don't really know anyone that can be in the army and I know the demigods  Percy just named and i think they deserve it.  We go and tell Dad who we want, he says he will come and get us when they're here. Percy and I decide to watch a movie. I let him choose, he picks Monsters Inc. we sit next to each other on the couch. As we're watching I start falling asleep.

            (Percy pov)

  As we are watching the movie, Alex leans her head on my shoulder. I look over at her and see that shes asleep. It's not uncomfortable and I don't really want to wake her up, so I just leave her there and let her sleep. As I continue watching the movie, I realize how tired I still am. I feel myself starting to fall asleep. 

  ( 3rd pov)

 Chaos walks down the hall to the movie room. He walks in to see Alex and Percy asleep, leaning on each other. He smiles and takes a picture of them. He then lets out a low whistle, a big brown and tan wolf comes running in.  "wake them up boy", Chaos says. The wolf jumps up on Alex and Percy and starts licking them in the face. Alex wakes up and starts laughing and Percy wakes up panicking. He jumps up off of the couch and gets into a fighting stance. He notices Alex laughing at him while petting the wolf. He looks at her with a look of confusion.  "This is my pet wolf, Ra", Alex explains.  "Okay then, I've seen weirder", Percy says. Alex smiles at him. "your army is here", Chaos says.

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