I'm the Last Faerie That's In Danger

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I'm back! :) This is my new story and I hope you like it. It does contain vampires (not sparkly ones!) and other fiction ceatures! I think I improved a bit better from my other stories that I've written last year or so.. I kind of have the plot down but I might change a few things! There might be some humor and of course romance (for those who enjoy romantic scenes ;])  So enjoy! :)  

 Oh, I might reconsider changing the title later on!  


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 "Master," a thick African accent said, "they're here with them."

 The room was lit with a single candle, that burned brightly with such intensity, making everything appear in shadows. There were at least half of dozen of men in dark, velvety cloaks sitting at a long, oak table, and one man sitting at the top, clearly showing that he is the man-in-charge.  

 "Excellent, bring them in," the man at the top of the table smiled sickly and licked his thin lips.  

Two cloak men walked in, carrying two people or creatures in their arms, and threw them on the floor in front of their 'Master.'There was a boy and a girl, both looking alike and fragile, bounded up in ropes and cloth gagged in their mouths to keep them quiet.  

"Good work Alexander and Adam," the man said, pleased with his friends.

 The two creatures looked around the room and realized that they weren't just in a meeting room but what looked like a slaughter room also. There eyes began to grow bigger and scared for themselves. 

"My, my, what beautiful faeries you two are," the man smiled down at them, showing his sharp fangs, and touched both of their cheeks, causing them to shiver.  

The faeries heard about vampire and how evil they were. They were warned earlier that something like this might happen to them, that there will be a man who will kill them and drink their blood for youth and power. They hated this man already but they couldn't do anything about it. Their own powers were useless compare to the top vampire of all vampires 

"Now if the two of you listen carefully and behave correctly, everything won't be as painful as you think it will be."  

The poor faeries struggled in their bindings and tried to scream but no one was going to save them, not one single person would.  

The head vampire snapped his fingers and the two men that brought the creatures in, pulled them up harshly and carried them to a table.  

 "Kill them now," the Master hissed with his fangs protruding from his mouth, "show them no mercy."  

 "As you command, Master," the hissed automatically.  

Screams echoed through the room, as their gag cloth were taken out of their mouth but were suddenly stopped by sickening snaps.  

 "Drain all of their blood and save it. The ritual won't start until the full moon comes out," the man smiled up at the gray, darkened sky and licked his lips once again before he set off for the night...  

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DId you like it? I hope so!  

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Any feedbacks, I will listen as long as they're nice! :)

-- Sam

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2011 ⏰

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